
Glaciela Wezette

Warning: Do not be fooled this is not SS/S tier! She is in the same tier as Viktoria. Her AP consumption is waaay too high so it will be extremely difficult to use her abilities quickly unless you have Jiza's TMR... Save your visiores, she is A tier unit - same as Viktoria!
but but but shes cuter so S+
You can sub ninja for low ap consumption, at lv.79 max ifrit affinity she has 25 initial AP for shuriken x2. Monk if you want more dmg. and you can chain her ulti with Vinera and WoL or another 3 hit ulti for more bonus chain dmg
Of course she's S tier, she has 25% slash resist and most slasher unit has weakness against piercing, just try to use Golden armor and siren on her, slasher unit can't do anything.
Her javalin throw seems just a better version of nighthawk in every way, and for only 14 AP. Wonder if she can one shot many people with it. If so she is simply broken
<< Anonymous
She has 35% Resistance actually, if sum with her master ability
I have 50k saved up for her. Your opinion is noted.
what does piercing means in the abilities? does she gain pierce att up or def piercing?
Another tier slave. Lemme guess who your favorite unit is - Orlandu? Mediena? ThEm iS bEsT gGwP, right??


Comments (updated every hour)

Yuna 75
Yuna + Princess Garnet team up?
Does this grant the Silence spell at 3 stars?
This guy’s personality pisses me off. I wanna backhand him.
Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
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