
Job Materials

Items for leveling up jobs in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Dime Memory, Job Memory, Statue, Job Crystals, Pyroxene.
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What is JobLv?

Job Level can be raised by spending materials: faint memories, statues, elemental crystals, weapon crystals, and job memories.

By leveling up, units' stats are enhanced and more panels on the ability bords get ready to be unlocked with spending Job Points.

Required Materials

Here is a list of required materials for each job level.

JobLvRequired Materials
1 - 2Color: Green
10 Faint Memories, 1 Statue, 10 Elemental Crystals, 5 Weapon Crystals
2 - 3Color: Green
1 Job Memory, 2 Statues, 20 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
3 - 4Color: Blue
25 Faint Memories, 1 Statue, 10 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
4-5Color: Blue
50 Faint Memories, 2 Statues, 20 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
5-6Color: Blue
2 Job Memories, 3 Statues, 40 Elemental Crystals, 15 Weapon Crystals
6-7Color: Purple
25 Faint Memories, 1 Statue, 10 Elemental Crystals, 5 Weapon Crystals
7-8Color: Purple
50 Faint Memories, 2 Statues, 20 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
8-9Color: Purple
3 Job Memories, 3 Statues, 40 Elemental Crystals, 15 Weapon Crystals
JobLvRequired Materials
9 - 10Color: Yellow
25 Faint Memories, 1 Statue, 10 Elemental Crystals, 5 Weapon Crystals
10-11Color: Yellow
50 Faint Memories, 2 Statues, 20 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
11-12Color: Yellow
4 Job Memories, 3 Statues, 40 Elemental Crystals, 15 Weapon Crystals
12-13Color: Red
25 Faint Memories, 1 Statue, 10 Elemental Crystals, 5 Weapon Crystals
13-14Color: Red
50 Faint Memories, 2 Statues, 20 Elemental Crystals, 10 Weapon Crystals
14-15Color: Red
5 Job Memories, 3 Statues, 40 Elemental Crystals, 15 Weapon Crystals

Faint Memory

Job Statue

Prowling Wyvern Statue

Praying Angel Statue



Light Alcryst (Green) Light Alcryst (Blue) Light Alcryst (Purple) Light Alcryst (Yellow) Light Alcryst (Red)


Earth Alcryst (Green) Earth Alcryst (Blue) Earth Alcryst (Purple) Earth Alcryst (Yellow) Earth Alcryst (Red)


Water Alcryst (Green) Water Alcryst (Blue) Water Alcryst (Purple) Water Alcryst (Yellow) Water Alcryst (Red)


Ice Alcryst (Green) Ice Alcryst (Blue) Ice Alcryst (Purple) Ice Alcryst (Yellow) Ice Alcryst (Red)


Fire Alcryst (Green) Fire Alcryst (Blue) Fire Alcryst (Purple) Fire Alcryst (Yellow) Fire Alcryst (Red)


Dark Alcryst (Green) Dark Alcryst (Blue) Dark Alcryst (Purple) Dark Alcryst (Yellow) Dark Alcryst (Red)


Thunder Alcryst (Green) Thunder Alcryst (Blue) Thunder Alcryst (Purple) Thunder Alcryst (Yellow) Thunder Alcryst (Red)


Wind Alcryst (Green) Wind Alcryst (Blue) Wind Alcryst (Purple) Wind Alcryst (Yellow) Wind Alcryst (Red)

Job Memory

Memory of Black Mage

Memory of Cleric

Memory of Dark Knight

Memory of Dragoon

Memory of Green Mage

Memory of Gunner

Memory of Hunter

Memory of Knight

Memory of Lancer

Memory of Monk

Memory of Ninja

Memory of Paladin

Memory of Red Mage

Memory of Rune Knight

Memory of Samuai

Memory of Soldier

Memory of Thief

Memory of Time Mage

Memory of Viking

Memory of Warrior

Memory of White Mage

Memory of Winged One

Memory of Double Gunner

Memory of Double Gunner・Jade Memory of Double Gunner・Azure Memory of Double Gunner・Violet Memory of Double Gunner・Citron Memory of Double Gunner・Scarlet

Memory of Assassin

Memory of Assassin・Jade Memory of Assassin・Azure Memory of Assassin・Violet Memory of Assassin・Citron Memory of Assassin・Scarlet


No Name
I wanted something like this.. So I figured it might be useful to other people :)

Job level 1
10 Green Memories : 1 Green Statue
10 Green Elements : 5 Green Weapons

Job level 2
1 Green Job Memory : 2 Green Statues
20 Green Elements : 10 Green Weapons

Job level 3
25 Blue Memory : 1 Blue Statue
10 Blue Element : 5 Blue Weapons

Job level 4
50 Blue Memories : 2 Blue Statue
20 Blue Elements : 10 Blue Weapons

Job level 5
2 Blue Job Memories : 3 Blue Statues
40 Blue Elements : 15 Blue Weapons

Job level 6
25 Purple Memories : 1 Purple Statue
10 Purple Elements : 5 Purple Weapons

Job level 7
50 Purple Memories : 2 Purple Statues
20 Purple Elements : 10 Purple Weapons

Job level 8
3 Purple Job Memories : 3 Purple Statues
40 Purple Elements : 15 Purple Weapons
<< Anonymous(No Name)
pmp213 Reply
This is EXACTLY what I came here to find. Thanks for posting. Hopefully the mods will see this and add it as a nice table somewhere.
<< Anonymous(No Name)
GameA1 Reply
Thanks! I'll add this to the top part of this page.
<< Anonymous(No Name)
liupold Reply
Many thanks
The Pimp Hand
How low the drop rates of job memories are??? Spend 200+ stamina then get 0 violet white mage memory wtf
<< Anonymous(The Pimp Hand)
No Name Reply
I don't have any data to back this up.. But I strongly believe the memories are a 1% drop rate.
<< Anonymous(No Name)
The Pimp Hand Reply
Thx body it's endless. I'm just thinking would it be wiser to choose quests with more enemies? Since the more enemies the more loots you get. If the drop rate is by loot then I suppose it's defo below between 0.25% - 0.5%
what does leveling up your job do for you?
<< Anonymous(JayNoza)
GameA1 Reply
Leveling your job unlocks acquiable abilities and increases stats. It's very important factor to strengthen your unit.
<< GameA1
Anonymous Reply
so for mont is it important to leveling up all his job? even tho his lord job isn't that good? or u going specific?
<< Anonymous
Diego Reply
Ofc, higher stats and unlocks skills
Is there anywhere that gives a list of total materials required for all job levels for a unit ?
If you need a guild and/or have any questions, I have studied aplenty and am willing to help in whatever ways I can.
Please help me? Lol

If you need a guild, search FFX-Axis
Ivalice Boy
Is the Witch/Sorceress memory also limited by the event? or is it permanent even after the event?
Where you will find sorceress memory?
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
Sorceress memory can be obtained as FFIXV event record mission rewards probably. Check the record missions.

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I want him to IMPREGNATE ME and choke me with his big muscles while he does so
Amnelis 11
Her design could not be more cringe
The BΞAST DΞN is looking for competitive and established players!
321564564844 my code
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