Mediena and Yshtola have AOE abilities (Cosmo Plume and Foul). Use them to defeat all enemies in these quests.
Mediena is the best. If you are a F2P player and don't have Mediena, use Yshtola instead. Yshtola however need to have enough level and magic stat to defeat enemies with 1 attack.
1) 8 enemies (any enemy has roughly 85%-90% of drop a chest)
2)Any chest has roughly 20% of cointain a faint memory
3)energy efficient cz u get 1,4 memory/6 rng
Ps u need mediena one shot one row of 4 enemies and a friend mediena to one shot the other row of 4 enemies
I did a lot of test
I will suggest story 2-2-8 (the royal bloodline)
1)8 enemies (any enemy has roughly 85%-90% of drop a chest)
2)Any chest has roughly 20% of cointain a faint memory
3)energy efficient cz u get 1,4 memory/6 rng
Ps u need mediena one shot one row of 4 enemies and a friend mediena to one shot the other row of 4 enemies
Kronoa is correct that 228 is best chance of fbm/nrg spent.
However 133, 221 are still viable choices if you are also looking to get xp & jp too, in as quick a time(real time) as possible, and you are not worried about nrg spent.