MR (as known as SSR on the JP server) vision cards list.
Blood on the Ice
Mobius of Hope and Illusion
Dancing Flame of Death, Marilith
Birth of New Life
Path to Revenge
Seductive Serpent, Lamia Queen
A Mighty Obstacle
Sharpened Concentration
Tranquil Warmth
Holy Nights Visitor, Winter Moogle
The Four Warring Lords
Frozen Icewing, Glacial
Second-Anniversary Banquet - Part II
Beloved Sidekick, Chocobo
Deceptive Vows, Honest Souls
Wintertide Bloomers
Unreaching Affection
Defiling Curse, Malboro
Second-Anniversary Banquet - Part I
Admirers Rivalry
A Years Journey
Greetings from Afar
Vigorous Vegetation, Ochu
Memories of Apples
Undead King of Putrefaction, Lich
Secret Orders
Vow of Love
Grudge-Filled Lantern, Tonberry
Chivalrous Outlaws, «Rubeus»
Swordman's Refinement
Calamitous Feline, Coeurl
Envious Magician
If you resist "Reality"
In Search of Myrrh
Fleeting Tranquility
Bursting Spirit, Mindflayer
A Place Unknown
Terror from the Deep, Kraken
Luminous Serpent, White Dragon
Sanctum Assassins
Metal Daemon, Iron Giant
Snow-White Guard
Red chocobo
Demon Wall
Irresistible Darkness
Black Rose of the Battlefield
Becoming Stronger Than Anyone Else
Fleeting Blossom Banquet
Dream Fiend, Diabolos
Steel Engine of Annihilation, Omega
Serpentine Onslaught, Two-Headed Dragon
A Loyal Companion
Dark Chain Anima
Another Me
Changing the World Takes Heart
UR Units & Tier List
MR Units & MR Tier List
Player Information & How to Change Player Name
Sadali Crysthea
Damage/Heal Mechanics V2.0