
ReRolling for 100-cost Oberon inquiry

is it possible to get Oberon Heindler from the Newbie (first 7 days only) 3-Step Head Start summon?
I noticed that when you reroll, from the presents you receive on that very minute, you can get 4800 you can roll for the 3-step head start which costs 4500 vis...can we get 100-cost units here at the guaranteed lv.99 Last unit (30th unit summoned)?


Answer List

you can get him but not the guaranteed lvl 99
Yes I think you can get over 6000 gems or more maybe 8000. the free rolls can get you oberon from basic pool. Then use the 2000 rolls on an event character. I did it and had like 6 great characters on a 2nd account but ended up keeping my original. time is usually more important than reroll. plus my first account was all light and i focused them down very well. was able to compled brutal missions np and my other account could not and I had bunny. its also hard to get those characters to 120 before event is over. so if you have multiple you can probably only handle 1 to 120 and the rest end up useless sitting in your guild waiting for their day lol. 1st account doing this is smart though get them early.
You can't get 100 cost unit in the guaranteed slot. However you can get lucky and get them in one of the other slots. I got lucky and got both Oberon and BRHelena in no guaranteed slots. Then I use the beginner shop to buy shard tickets, and now they are both maxed.
I did 300+ rerolls, got all 100 cost units drop at least once except Oberon. I kept helena and leela.
He is trash, just wait a 2 weeks and pull on Leela.
Only newbies can see this banner. On the Summon page click on drop rates under that banner to see if he's in it. Theoretically he should be, he is a non-limited character who is well past his release date. He's certainly a part of the base pool now albeit with a reduced chance since he is cost 100.
Good Luck!

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Comments (updated every hour)

Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
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