
Player Information & How to Change Player Name

Player Rank, Player Name, Player ID, and Comment in wotvffbe. How to see the required exp to the next rank, how to change your player name, nad how to check your player ID.
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How to See Your Player Information

1. Tap "Menu" on the Home Screen

Player Information & How to Change Player Name 2

Tap the menu on the left-sidebar. If you can't see the sidebar, tap the button at the top right corner.

2. Tap "Player Information"

Player Information & How to Change Player Name 2

Just tap the player information button on the menu screen.

3. See Your Player Info!

Player Information & How to Change Player Name 2

Now you can see your current player rank, required exp to next rank, player name, affiliated guild, player id, and comment.

How to Change Your Player Name

1. Tap "Change Name"

Player Information & How to Change Player Name 4

Tap the change name button on the player information screen.

2. Type and Enter a Name

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Just enter your new player name and confirm.

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I want him to IMPREGNATE ME and choke me with his big muscles while he does so
Amnelis 11
Her design could not be more cringe
The BΞAST DΞN is looking for competitive and established players!
321564564844 my code
> Go to the latest comments


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