Deals Dmg (L) to targets within range & bestows Haste on self for 3 turns.
Effect Type
Attack Type
Max Effect (at Lv.20)
Dmg: 200%, Speed (Haster): +42%
Range Height
Area Height
Swordplay: Thunder God (Upgraded in Master Ability 2)
Deals Dmg (L) to target within range & bestows Haste for 3 turns & additional effect: significantly raises Debuff Res while hasted & lowers AP Consumption.
Lightning Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Lightning Attack +15, own DEF Piercing Rate +30 / Slash Attack Res +10 / Missile/Magic Attack Res +15 / Enhances Swordplay: Thunder God.
Raises own ATK for 3 turns & nullifies Blind, Paralysis, and Sleep & auto-restore AP (M) & significantly raises Area Attack Res while HP is 70% or above.
This was supposed to be a god unit instead hes mediocre. All he needed was a buff to his lightning stab which should cause confuse divine ruination for sure isnt what its supposed to be.
How utterly disappointing. If Engelbert can hop up a few tiers after getting 120 surely they could have done better with the FFT units, he was released before they were! How the heck is Lighting stab not (L) dmg? it was his best skill on FFT. Then they buffed Karma Blade on Delita, Why?? It's trash, and is still trash. He was already bad, but he is unreedemable garbage now. You'd think they would have at least gotten Ramza right, but nope he sucks too.
The only real difference is the ability to wear TMRs. Which, for Orlandeau, isn't a problem since he can already run his own buffs/teambuffs. But it could be useful if you had good TMRs you'd like him to equip... his own TMR isn't that great right now since AI doesn't know how to proc it. Good luck!