i dont know how can she be S tier she on par with fryevia i says A- because her lb and her kit doesnt match,her kit need long range,lb need close range,she doesnt have guarantee atk,her kit just normal what makes her spesial?as healer?no,as damager?she strong but no,i think this site run by crappy people that cant see this,even rating subject to change put her on S was a joke,i just try to be honest
- She doesn't need to do her Limit Burst to be effective;
- She has Haste and Quicken;
- She can heal;
- Deals strong magic damage - Jamming Thrust has great range;
- Her AI is generally smart - saves movement and CT;
- Prior to Kilphe's release in Global, she was the tankiest magic user in the game;
Put all that together and you have a powerful high-utility unit.
-whats the point her lb then
-phoebe have too and she better with her holy even she weaker on def
-jamming trust ordinary skill 5 space murmur can do it too to 🔥 orlandu lol
-her ai suck even there on off skill there still better option than use her,ayaka better choice
-she not really tanky dont joke me
-high utlility lol,this site said she all rounder and "nothing" really stand out
her strength is in her mid-battle versatility. No matter what situation you find her in, she has something to do. Draw hate, jam a spell/dps, close range AoE/disable, quicken/haste, heal.
There are a lot of ways to play this game where that kind of versatility just doesn't do anything for you. But to some people, she is one-of-a-kind, heaven-sent for their playstyle.
The OP & 3rd reply, just stupid thats all.
At that time (when miranda first released), her kit was one of the best, especially when play manual pvp.
Now.. Its true she is not good even with EX. But she is still playable.