

Instead of getting christmas waifus we get dark edgy pretty boys. I get that final fantasy has always had androgynous characters but it shows a clear anti male pattern. Further the fact that 90% of footwear accessories are womens shoes proves this fanbase is degenerate and too high on the kinsey scale. Quit this game before the autogynephilia sinks in, libido dominandi
Forgot to mention people voted for zazan instead of a girl, not to mention the fact that ramza and other boys will wear oldoa skirt. How long before nail polish?
<< Anonymous
Tynar rouge anyone?
Uh....the series has always had gendered clothing articles.
FFT classic had perfumes and the dancer class
So everyone has to quit because you aren't happy? All due respect but a game doesn't require scantily clad women and picturesque pretty boys to be a decent game.
So much whining and complaining. It’s funny how these kids 🔥 about one thing to another. It’s funny to criticize yet you don’t have the brain function to go and create something where you can have all the bull crap you want. Don’t like the game? Then go elsewhere you jack wagons.
I'm not to sure what the whole "90% of footwear accessories are womens shoes" proves anything. Most if not all of the women's shoes are trust rewards for female characters, i.e. it's those character's shoes. Its not all that shocking that female characters would wear women's shoes.
Wow you are an idiot
<< Anonymous
How am I an idiot? Explain then
no way this is serious
Honestly, I have to Stan this comment. 10/10
<< Anonymous
Tbh the ops comment is confusing; he wants to be able to jck off more to anime waifus and wants the game to be more "heteronormative" but he doesn't like the fact that the women are wearing shoes for women. Also idk why a guy clad in armor is what made him snap, did he think the armor was too sexy on a guy or what..?
Opinion lost all credibility and seriousness at 'Christmas waifus'
yes , please , quit the game
we dont need gaming services turning out in disneyland
Come and become a cute sissy boy, you know you want to, just put on the Bewitching Heels and prance about.
<< Anonymous
High-heels were invented for and worn by men for far longer then they have been "women's shoes". Just something to consider while you throw around your toxic masculinity.
<< Anonymous(Hmmmm)
No one cares.


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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