
Naiah | Unit

Why is Nyah even an unlockable? The story said Muraga killed her early on
Are you not familiar with how "Visions" work?
We don't know whether she died or not, we didn't see it tho in the story.
<< Anonymous(NN)
Yes, she died way earlier on and so is Owe halfway through the story. Some characters appear in your roster because they are visions and being summoned back to life by your good self.
<< Anonymous
Visions disregard time and space, there needs only be intense memory or emotion or convoluted magic. It's why we can summon Fina, who's from present day FFBE (way in the future), and Cid, someone not even in the world of Lapis
Yes that is what we know so far in the story but is that true? Everyone thinks Helena died but she survived in the story, so my theory is that she might not be dead as the story progress. Which means schuzelt will have a surprise in store
Yes that is what we know so far in the story but is that true? Everyone thinks Helena died but she survived in the story, so my theory is that she might not be dead as the story progress. Which means schuzelt will have a surprise in store


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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