

Gumi hates fire
I dunno why Goomi is elementleist. Cetia was a scam, she cannot hit any evade teams. They need to give Terra AOE ACC buff to whole team +60 atleast or no one will pull on her. AOE Slash up, gumi is wacked yo. She looks good but trash tier unit. Her guarantee hit does no damage. It will take 6 hits to 🔥 Elena, courage, reriase. Good job gumi
If you wanted an answer for Elena you should've pulled Golbez. He can hit Elena with the right build (aim dark dragon staff+ Gauntlets of light+ BRHVC on BRH + Dark Moon VC on him). If you also run Solidus VC on a third unit then you're set to devour Elena. Whenever I want to beat and Elena team I play the right counter team. Save your fire team for ice comps.
There are a number of aim based accessories make one. Not every character needs armor. I use Rosa as a archer (low faith) I equip her with a Bow, Alex Ring, and barrier TMR item like sacred step or steel maidens necklace. I preferer sacred step it give 5 agi, however the healing of the other can be clutch in GB.
I’m general, Fire units don’t have much in terms of guaranteed hit, and they’re often slow.

I usually dodge…dodge-teams, but otherwise equips and espers like others said.
As an evasion based account, no to added acc. What's the point of pulling and building evasion units if every element can hit them? You can still build fire to take on evasion by building for acc through espers/vcs/equipment. Also, I'm pulling for Terra and am more excited for her than the other 2.
Given that they are elementalist, I’d argue you should be fighting Ice teams, or just avoiding wind.

There are no “scams”, but plenty of psychological moves (and the community is partly responsible for that).


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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