
Iron Giant Challenge

4 Lv. 99 Orlandeaus got rekt by the brutal multi stage. Given, we were all on auto... but the difficulty is enough that you might want to consider running manual, or maybe run another unit altogether instead of Orlandeau. Unless you have Smart Coat up and running. The mages do a LOT of damage.
This is the challenge where tanks, healers and water units shine. I would recommend 2x Oldmandeau, 1x Engelbert with Vow of Love VC equipped and 1x Ayaka to heal the tank and do the necessary buffing.
It's actually pretty easy with 4 Orlandeau if you didn't go full auto. Being able to manually use Shadowblade helps a ton, and I find the sub-job Samurai to work better as well since Hien does the job fairly well.
We did a couple of runs with my mont lvl 99 with vow of love and paladin subjob (for sentinel) one Mediena 89, one Yshtola 99 and one Grace 79. Mont on last slot run up and block the right side then cast Sentinel and tank all the way
<< Anonymous
Yeah. It actually all runs down to not going full-auto for it, but most people just complain that "it's hard" or "it's p2w" when they're lazy and just go full 🔥 and full auto.
Cleared it 5x consecutively with 2x 99 Orlandeau, 1x 89 Orlandeau, and a 89 Mont (who wasn’t using Vow of Love so he was fairly pointless).

Myself and the other 99 Orlandeau would go off auto once per round to shadow blade for HP restore, but otherwise we swept it easy. My Orlandeau hit the hardest and was only using his TMR, Excalibur, and a Hero Ring +1, so this content is quite farmable
<< Anonymous
Yup. I'm seeing that you have to start off in manual, or switch between the two when necessary. With my team only having 3 good units for PvP, even a solo run with 5 units, I have to begin the stage in manual or else someone ends up knocked out. Definitely gotta do some manual things to beat this challenge. Thanks for all the advice!
H2O Water
That's cause Oldman is never always just the answer. ;)
Well I always do 4 Cid with auto and no problem. Easy to clear
<< Anonymous
Dsame -dont know how to loose with 4 cids


Comments (updated every hour)

Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
This guy is top notch for reliquaries now that he can float with the raid item. Need friends a...
Looking for more friends add me !! 331763693950
Please make event tomb raider because i dont get my unit lara croft , please
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