

Stop commenting, shes bad ok. All of you that summoned, summoned on impulse and perversion. Gumi knew if a waifu show some skin then people will summon, she is not a true cost 100 unit, every single crystal characters will be better than her.
Its true, just take your L and move on. Lightning is the weakest element anyways.
Except when sub VCs drop and she’s rocking both her VC + Ramuh and one shots everything with instant cast spells(she already does this at 120).
Spends 39k vis and gets hard done. Says to him or herself “didn’t really want her anyway” with a single tear. Goes up against Ibara in pvp/gb and gets owned. Cries self to sleep at night. Next day posts (above) nonsense. We are all laughing at you. Wink.
I am trying to understand all the hate so I will ask...

1. Why is she bad? Her stats seem really high, and she has some good stuff to go along with her, like her free book weapon (that is pretty good) and a magical ranged basic attack.
2. What exactly is perverse about her? She's fully clothed and not even human. Are you projecting some kind of horned character fetish you have?
<< Anonymous(MayMagic)
I know I have an Oni "fetish"
<< Anonymous(MayMagic)
Basically, because she is futureproof, she will be one of the strongest counters to the celes-alstoria meta, which a lot of people seems to save for, but that meta doesnt exist yet, and meanwhile oberon and their friends can 🔥 her, so thats basically why she now is ¨bad¨ (but can oneshot your tank and then leave everything to cloud so)


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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