

15 shards 1 time character quest unlocked at lvl 40 1 shard/day (2 with daily reset if your royal rank is 6 cost 50 visiore) 5 shards/week (frost works 500 visiore) you can also rarely get his shards from snowstorm ridge choco expedition 600 days if you just do hard quest without reset 300 days with reset (15,000 visiore total) 19 per week with frost works+reset (850 visiore/week) 545/19=28.6 weeks x 850 visiore/week = 24,310 visiore total if my math is right
not including snowstorm ridge shards...i would only spend visiore on him until lb3 jlvl 12 this unlocks his full tree and his 2nd master ability

19 per week with frost works+reset (850 visiore/week)
585/19=30.7 weeks x 850 visiore/week = 26,095 visiore
(600-15 from character quest)
<< Anonymous(niko)
also master ability unlocks at lb4 lvl 80
<< Anonymous(niko)
Thank you for your work! Added to the page :)
<< GameA1
・19 weeks with the purchase at the frost works shop & daily hard quest reset (850 visiore/per week) this should say shards not weeks
<< Anonymous(niko)
gilgamesh 101
however, you are wrong. how many shards does Gilgamesh's second character quest give??? the 1st gives 15. how much does the second one give (FYI, not the hard quest, but the character quest that gives his 2nd master ability)
<< Anonymous(gilgamesh 101)
The second character quest does not drop any shards


Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
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