if you really want him. you should try waiting until Free 10 times summons done and buy every shards of ramza. you still have chance to get him for FREE. but if not get until event almost done. i think u buy it with paid visiore.
thats my advice. i regret didnt do like that and waste 30k free visiore and not get him!
Depends, I agree with Aa mostly because he's considered A tier while you have Englebert who is S tier. Remember resources are EXTREMELY limited, therefor you have to really plan and save resources even if you can whale a bit.
I personally bought his pack as i plan to level him up midway while Englebro is my main, but i drop about 300$ per month on the game, so id advice against it for now.
Yeah but i have Englebro already waiting for those Crystals, and i screwed up by dropping some on Marcherie before realizing what a joke she was. I learned the hard way, but im sure he will get LB6 by next month xD
You can get him with 20k since he's in the shop for 1000 medals. I dont understand why you'd spend beyond 20k chasing him when you already could trade medals for him at that point.