Hi everyone. I have two accounts and i dont know which one keep.
On the first, Mediena, Rairyuu, Robb, Thancred(2LB) and Mont. On the second one there is Engelbert, Fredericka, Yerma, Ayaka and Yshtola. All units lvl 40+.
My question here is: Which account would be better for the future content incoming and for the late game?
yeah, primarily I was thinking going for that account (I had 3 URs on LB2 in 3 days, terrific), but for everyone, Mediena seems to be esential and she is going to be meta for a long time. That's why im on doubt.
I got Orlandeu on the Mediena acc now, what should I do? Thinking on Lucia this account would be much better in the future comparing to the other one :(
btw I'm F2P and I can't afford maxing 3 or 4 URs. Maybe on the Mediena acc focusing on her, Orlandeu and another MR I'll be stronger than the Engel/ayaka acc in the future.
Do you mean, it's imposible to max Orlandeu being f2p? I got him on LB3 and 1 pack of 40 shards left to buy on the collaboration shop. (Farmed all the Mogu shop shards)