

Why is she water instead of ice? In FF6 she naturally learned all the ice spells, so you'd think she go that route.
That is simple question to least an opinion of mine.

It is so Water have a some form of UR tank. Since ice have Fryevia as an ice UR tank.
now what are the odd that ff13 lightning will not be lightning element lol
Gumi claims it has to do with game balance, which follows what the first guy said.

Tidus was water so I don't thing they can get away with Lightning being anything else.
Yeah, that disappoints me. Saying it's "game balance" is an extremely poor excuse when you control who gets released, when they release and what element they are. They could have easily had a UR water tank by now if they chose to. Also, Freyvia is a global exclusive and Celes was water in JP as well, so I don't think that was much of a factor.
<< Anonymous
nah, it's business. profit matter the most.
true, but in the traditional FF mode there were really only 3 spell elements: fire, bolt, and ice. I would see the water element, rather, as a nod to the most powerful moment of that entire game, the moment when she is your only party member. I like the choice.
<< Anonymous
Her character and her emotions through the first half of the game was like water so I find it appropriate too.
<< Anonymous
But I do wish they have Terra green hair and Locke grey hair instead of making them all blondes.
It's about balance. There are plenty of ice tanks, but there are no water tanks.
<< Anonymous
Lore trumps balance 100% of the time. There's just too many eejits working there and nobody seem to have to balls to make the right call.

Water make no sense. Celes was Frigid as ice. She was an ice specialist. Stop trying to rewrite history.
<< Anonymous
Where in the FF6 script was she an "ice specialist" She starts out with ice, yes but that's about it and it's only to give elemental balance since terra already has access to fire at that point in the game. Celes is not "like ice" her emotions and inner turmoil are more like water.
My logic: she was reborn in water after her 🔥 attempt
In WOTV, think of the elements as Group names example Group A=Fire, Group B=Ice. Meaning the elements has nothing to do with the unit’s skills. It is a just a grouping name.

And each group has to have a balanced set of characters: tanks, dps, support. This is why Barret who fires a laser is ICE or Noctis whose name is literally related to darkness is EARTH.


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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