
Montly Missions & Login Bonus (2020 February JP Server)

Monthly missions in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Rewards, missions, quests.
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update 05/02/2020

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Monthly Missions

2020 February Montly Missions (JP Server)

Story Quest Missions

Complete story quests 20 ~ 400 times


You can get the following items in total.

Gil Turtle largex200 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Hard Quest Missions

Complete hard quest 10 ~ 230 times.


You can get the following items in total.

Stamina Restore Largex10 Red Magicite largex15 Water Magicite largex15
Green Magicite largex15 Yellow Magicite largex15 Orange Magicite largex15
Blue Magicite largex15 White Magicite largex15 Purple Magiite largex15

Red Magicite extremex5 Blue Magicite extremex5 Green Magicite extremex5
Yellow Magicite extremex5 Purple Magiite extremex5 White Magicite extrax5
Water Magicite extremex5 Orange Magicite ultimatex5 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Multiplayer Quests Missions

Complete multiplayer quests 10~200 times.


You can get the following items in total.

Stamina Restore Smallx20 Fragments of the Will of Firex40 Fragments of the Will of Icex40
Fragments of the Will of Windx40 Fragments of the Will of Eathx40 Fragments of the Will of Thunderx40
Fragments of the Will of Waterx40 Fragments of the Will of Lightx40 Fragments of the Will of Darkx40
Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Chamber of Experience Missions

Complete the chamber of experience 3~70 times.


You can get the following items in total.

EXP Cube largex120 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Arena Missions

Play Arena 5~130 times.


Dwarf Hammer of EVAx3 Dwarf Hammer of CRITx3 Dwarf Hammer of DEFx3

Dwarf Hammer of ACCx3 Dwarf Hammer of HPx3 Dwarf Hammer of MAGx3

Dwarf Hammer of SPRx3 Dwarf Hammer of ATKx3 Dwarf Hammer of SPDx3

Mark of HPx10 Mark of ATKx10 Mark of MGKx10

Mark of SPRx10 Mark of DEFx10 Mark of EVAx10

Mark of ACCx10 Mar of Criticalx10 Arena Orb Restore x5

Hammer of Reforgingx3 Fragments of the Will of Rainbowx1

Chokobo Exploring Missions

Get items from Chokobo Exploring 10~90 times.


Awoken Prism of Firex40 Awoken Prism of Ice x40 Awoken Prism of Windx40

Awoken Prism of Earthx40 Awoken Prism of Thunderx40 Awoken Prism of Waterx40

Awoken Prism of Lightx40 Awoken Prism of Darkx40 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Guild Statue Missions

Enhance guild statues 3~70 times.


x25 x6 x6

x25 Giraffe Mane mediumx6 Lion Jaw mediumx6

Fried Zu Wingsx25 Snake fangs largex6 Bull Horn largex6

Bomb Soupx25 Lion Jaw largex6 Giraffe Mane largex6

Fragments of the Will of Rainbowx1


Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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