・00:00, 5/13/2020 - 23:59, 5/19/2020 (Free 10x Summon, UR VC Guaranteed Summon, Normal Summon)
・00:00, 5/13/2020 - 23:59, 5/26/2020 (Event Shop, New Vision Card Summon, Featured new Vision Card Shop)
・00:00, 5/13/2020 - 17:59, 6/2/2020 (May Summon Medals A Shop)
You can perform 10x Summon for free only once. Don't forget to do that during the period.
Share your gacha results in the comment section below.
You can trade medals obtained from the New Vision Card Summon for rara items like vision cards shards. Check the MogShop.
1 UR vision card is guaranteed. You need Paid Visiore for performing this summon.
This shop lasts until 5/26/2020. You definitely should get the following items at least.
UR Units & Tier List
MR Units & MR Tier List
UR Vision Cards
SR Units & SR Tier List
Illusory Bell
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
Story Quest: Chapter 9 Scene 1