
New Vision Card: Two-Headed Dragon Campaigns

Two-Headed Dragon and 3 other new vision cards campaigns in Wotvffbe. Pickup summon, pickup shop, and 3 stepup summon.
WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 06/03/2020
New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns

Limited-Time Vision Card


Duration (JST, JP Server): March 9th 15:00 ~ March 25th 14:59

New Vision Cards Pick Up Summon

New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns
New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns


Duration (JST, JP Server): March 9th 15:00 ~ March 25th 14:59


【Rate for Common Slot】

【Rate for Multi Summon's Guaranteed Slot】

3 Step Up Summon

New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns
New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns


Duration (JST, JP Server): March 9th 15:00 ~ March 17th 9:59


For detals of the steup up summon, see below.

・1st step: 600 Lapis for 3 summons

・2nd step: 1000 Lapis for 5 summmons

・3rd step: 2000 Lapis for 10 summons including one of picked up visioncards guaranteed.

New Vision Cards Pick Up Shop

New Vision Cards: Two -Headed Dragon & Campaigns


Duration (JST, JP Server): March 9th 15:00 ~ March 25th 14:59


ItemGil・LapisTrade Limit
Fragments of Two-Headed Dragonx251250 Lapis1
Fragments of Untrue Pledge, True Soulx20600 Lapis1
Fragments of Jealous Magicianx20600 Lapis1
Fragments of Cost for Being Ostentatiousx20600 Lapis1
Grow Egg SRx10320,000 Gil10
Grow Egg Rx1080,000 Gil10
Grow Egg Nx1020,000 Gil10


Do NOT go for the vision step-up x3. It is a scam. It does not guarantee an UR vision; you're very likely to get a MR featured vision rather than UR (since MR has a much higher rate of appearing than UR).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It´s not a scam, man. They didin't mentioned anything about having an assured UR vision, only that u would get at least one of the featured vision cards form the banner. Which are 3 MR's and the Two-Headed Dragon posing as the UR, each one of them has a 25% chance of appearing in last spot, but regardless, u still have a decent chance of obtaining them in the other spots as well.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In fact i've seen a lot of dragons popping out from the step up, i even got dragon + dupe from the third step ( and i was chasing perks of having charm, which i didn't get...)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not quite so. On the third step, the chances of the MR appearing is much higher than that of the UR vision. It is by no means a 25% chance of the UR vision appearing. This is by far one of the worst vision rate up summons thus far (all the others at least guarantees a UR).

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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