
Bale Burgeonet

Good stuff for tank especially against the Dark Meta trio. Unfortunately it is Raid recipe which mean only "dedicated player" could get it into +5
You don't need to be too dedicated, its weakness is dark/slash and everyone has one of those, you can easily solo to 60 for a +3 so you only need 75% recipes
<< Anonymous
You have to dedicated yourself to keep using your phone since you had to manually enter the raid ( and trigger it). Most can't do it since it can took your whole concentration and time IRL.
<< Anonymous
Well, 10 raids a day doesn't take too much time tho. You can just auto it while you sleep and do the raids when you have time. By the end of the week, you'll get to Lv 70 (or maybe more, considering the first 30 lvs are quite easy and quick to finish)
<< Anonymous
A +3 only requires 15 recipes. For a plus +5 you need 63. If you want to split it evenly till the event comes back (+4), you’ll need 31 recipes. Unless for some reason this item needs more than previously released items.
<< Anonymous
if you can't finish the raid in one run everytime, you have to clear 10 raids with at least 20 tries. and with the stamina cap at 5 with about one stamina regen per hour, meaning we need to prepare quite a lot of time to clear 10 raids per day. that being said, i think collab event raid should be easier than usual raid, just like death machine, so maybe it's worth it.
<< Anonymous
Don't forget, you get 20 "free" raids per day, the 5 refill after reset, plus how ever many refill during the day.
<< Anonymous
This farming is very time consuming especially on early level. You got a very few amount of coins after all. However it is gonna be faster to farm it the higher your raid level is. If you really want this stuff it might be wiser if you grind it ( for example in your free time today ) till you can't end it in one run, and then take it slowly till the end of event.
<< Anonymous
Actually a +3 is free if you get to lvl 39
<< Anonymous
^you mean level 79.
I'm already had all the recipe required for +5 but I want to remind you that we need to do more grinding to get the material itself.


Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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