Warrior, Monk, Lancer, Thief, Ninja, Ranger, Gunner, White Mage, Black Mage, Green Mage, Red Mage, Time Mage, Cleric, Sorceress, Gunbreaker, Winged One, Lord, White Mage of Lapis, Viking, Sword Saint, Squire, Dual Gunner, Assassin, Knight of Grandshelt (Flame), Staff Mage, Holy Knight, Squire, Machinist, Arithmetician, Knight of Ruin, Valkyrie, Knight of Grandshelt (Ice), Rune Knight, White Mage of Baron, Kotodama Wielder, Sniper, Sage of Mysidia, Pugilist, Energist, Abes' Star Player, Summoner of Spira, Legendary Guardian, YoRHa No. 2 Type B, YoRHa No. 9 Type S, Archlord, Scholar, Undying Fighter, Black-Robed Witch, Knight of the Sacred Shield, Strider, SOLDIER (FFVIIR), Monk (FFVIIR), White Mage (FFVIIR), Gunner (FFVIIR), Silver-Maned Princess, Tomb Raider, Auzre Pathfinder, King of the Stags, Duelist, Devout, Prince of Lucis, Crownsguard Marksman, Trick Lancer, Demoness, Apothecary
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