Removes all buff from targets, then deals Dmg (L) & bestows AP Auto-Restore (S) for 3 turns.
Earth Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Earth Attack +15, own Slash Attack Res +10 / Missile Attack Res +10
Survive from Fatal Dmg for 1 times & Auto-Restore own AP.
Raises own DEF Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (M) to targets & raises Dmg while target's DEF/ AP Auto Restored/Hasted & nullifies Float.
Destroy any barriers that reduce Phys Dmg, then deals Dmg (M) to target within range.
Deals Dmg (S) to target & lowers AGI for 3 turns.
Bestows removes Courage before attack effect to allies within area around self for 3 turns & raises own Accuracy Rate for 3 turns.
Significantly lowers Reaction Activation Rate of targets after movement to target panel, then Deals 3-Hit Dmg (M).
Raises own DEF Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (M) to targets & raises Dmg while target's DEF/ AP Auto Restored & nullifies Float.
Deals Dmg (M) to targets within area around self & reduces AP.
Significantly raises own ATK for 3 turns & lowers SPR.
Raises ATK/DEF Piercing Rate.
Move +1 & raises AGI.
Chance of evading Phys Attack.
Raises own Max HP for 3 turns & recovers the amount of HP raised & raises DEF.
Deals Dmg (S) to target after movement to target panel.
Recovers a set of percentage of own HP (S).
Deals Dmg (M) to target & lowers ATK for 3 turns and increases debuff effect according to own number of times having taken damage (up to 5 times).
Deals Dmg (L) to target & increases in Dmg according to own number of times having taken damage (up to 5 times).
Raises Accuracy & chance/power of Flurry Counter.
Raises Max HP/ATK.
Chance of 2-Hit Counterattack when taking Dmg.
Deals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers ATK for 3 turns.
Deals Dmg (M) to target & chance of inflicting Disable for 3 turns.
Raises own Max HP for 3 turns & recovers the amount of HP raised
Deals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers MAG for 3 turns.
Deals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers AGI for 3 turns.
Deals Dmg (M) to target & lowers ATK/MAG/AGI for 3 turns.
Raises Debuff Res.
Raises Max HP.
Chance of taking reduced Dmg.
UR Units & Tier List
MR Units & MR Tier List
Player Information & How to Change Player Name
Sadali Crysthea
Damage/Heal Mechanics V2.0