00:00, 6/3/2020 - 23:59, 6/16/2020
x5 x5 x1 x300
x1 x5 x1 x500
x5 x5 x1 x500
x20 x20 x20
x5 x5 x5
x5 x5 x1000
x5 x5 x1
x5 x5 x500
x1 x3500
This event shop is available until Feb 29 even after the event ends. So that we recommend you to have 41,400 medals at Feb 14 then you can get chokobo exploring ticket (5h), Gil turtle large, medium, small daily between Feb 15 ~ 29.
[Calculation]・Chokobo Exploring Ticket (5h)x5 = 2,500 medals・Gil Turtle Largex10 = 200 medals・Gil Turtle Mediumx10 = 50 medals・Gil Turtle Smallx10 = 10 medals
・2760 medals x 15 days = 41,400 medals
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White Marshmallow Miniature