
Chocolate Flan Challenge

Chocolate Flan Challenge event in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Rewards, item drop, guides, and tips.
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update 21/02/2020
Chocolate Flan Challenge

There are high difficulty and super high difficulty quests.

English (EN)Chocolate Flan Challenge
Japanese (日本語)チョコプリンチャレンジ

Initial Release Date

First Release Date (JP, JST))2020 Feb 21
First Release Date (GL, PST)2020 June 24

Featured Equipment

Sages Hat

[High Difficuly] Quest Missions & Rewards

3 or less uses of itemsRecipe for Sages Hatx1
No knocked out unitOgre Hairx5
Defeat 3 enemies simultaneouslyOrange Magicite largex10
No guest unitThin Fluidx30
Complete all the missions simultaneouslyFragments of the Will of Rainbowx1

[High Difficulty] Item Drop

Recipe for Sages Hat Ogre Hair Thin Fluid Non-Elemental Crystal Secrets of the Forge (Armor) Adamantite mid Adamantite large

[Super High Difficulty] Enemy Details

There are some mobs and a boss unit.

Chocolate Flan Lv.80 (Boss)

TP228Magic 81
SlashingPiercingBlunt (Striking)ShootingMagic
ConfusePetrify (Stone)ToadCharmSlow

[Super High Difficuly] Quest Missions & Rewards

3 or less uses of itemsRecipe for Sages Hatx3
No knocked out unitOgre Hairx10
Defeat 3 enemies simultaneouslyOrange Magicite largex20
No guest unitThin Fluidx50
Complete all the missions simultaneouslyFragments of the Will of Rainbowx1

[Super High Difficuly] Item Drop

Recipe for Sages Hat Ogre Hair Thin Fluid Non-Elemental Crystal Secrets of the Forge (Armor) Adamantite mid Adamantite large

[High Difficulty] Record Missions & Rewards

Clear high difficulty quest 1 time

Fragments of the Will of Firex10 Fragments of the Will of Icex10 Fragments of the Will of Windx10

Fragments of the Will of Eathx10 Fragments of the Will of Thunderx10 Fragments of the Will of Waterx10

Fragments of the Will of Lightx10 Fragments of the Will of Darkx10

Clear high difficulty quest 3 times

Awoken Prism of Firex10 Awoken Prism of Ice x10 Awoken Prism of Windx10

Awoken Prism of Waterx10 Awoken Prism of Thunderx10 Awoken Prism of Earthx10

Awoken Prism of Lightx10 Awoken Prism of Darkx10

Clear high difficulty quest 5 times

Lapisx150 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

[Super High Difficuly] Record Missions & Rewards

Clear super high difficulty quest once

Burst Potx10 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Clear super high difficulty quest 3 times

Burst Potx20 Lapisx150

Clear super high difficulty quest 5 times

Burst Potx30 Lapisx200

Multiplayer Record Missions & Rewards

Clear super high difficulty quest once

Orange Magicite largex20 Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1

Clear super high difficulty quest 3 times

Burst Potx20 Lapisx150

Clear super high difficulty quest 5 times

Burst Potx20 Lapisx200


Just take care the spearman first and after that you can click auto battle, but i think you need at least lv 99 team
recommended Easily manual control clear all mission in one time

Unit positioning
(Left hand spear man) i use mediana Level 55 and orlandu lv 65

(Righthand. Greenslam) i use frederika lv89 and mont lv99

(Center) use ayaka lv75

Start match
- first turn : You must killing 3 spear man With mediana + orlandu before end of turn and move orlandu up to blocking the Chocolate boss

- second turn : beware!! You dont move your unit nearly another greenslam before killing boss complete
Try charming him first then clear out all other enemies
confused farmer
Do you guys find some wierd mechanic of this raid? When i join the (I am not the host) raid sometimes require orb and sometimes is free. The host raid room is new and I confused why I need to pay orb to play the raid
<< Anonymous(confused farmer)
Anonymous Reply
First time is free, if you pay orb that means he's already on second run or more
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Doesnt sound right
<< Anonymous(confused farmer)
Bkyd Reply
You Get 20 Free Joins per day then they cost 1 per join after that.
anyone know when this event out for Global version?
<< Anonymous
Valkey Reply
probably next year after VALENTINE day.
The event is out and I don't see this dropping, nor do I see the rewards listed here. Am I just not looking in the right place?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Different event, what's out is the flan raid, which is under Valentine's Raid boss, Chocolate Flan. I was also confused for a bit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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