
5M Downloads Campaign

5 million downloads campaign in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Event shop, login bonus, free gacha.
WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 20/05/2020
5M Downloads Campaign

Release Date (JST, JP Server)

5:00, 12/6/2020 ~

Release Date (PST, GL Server)

00:00, 5/20/2020 ~

5M Downloads Login Bonus

5M Downloads Campaign

5M Downloads Free 10x Summon

5M Downloads Campaign

You can peform this free summon only once.

UR Guaranteed Summon

5M Downloads Campaign
5M Downloads Campaign

You can peform 1 UR Unit Guaranteed 10x Summon/1 UR VC Guaranteed 10x Summon only once for each by spending Paid Visiore.

5M Downloads Featured Summon

5M Downloads Campaign

5M Downloads Normal Summon

5M Downloads Campaign

Featured Shop

5M Downloads Campaign

Notable Items

ItemGil・VisioreTrade Limit
Rob Shardx402,000 Visiore3
Macherie Shardx402,000 Visiore1

You can also trade Gil/Visiore for Job Memories, Light Fragment, Light Awakening Prisms, Light Awakening Souls, and Light Alcrysts.

5M Downloads Memorial Summons

5M Downloads Campaign

Notable Items

ItemGil・VisioreTrade Limit
EXP Cube midx1001 Per Day
Story Skip Ticketx10100,000 Gil1 Per Day

You can also trade Gil/Visiore/Paid Visiore for EXP Packs, Rainbow Training Pack, Growth Eggs, Adamantites, and so on.

Unit Training Supportive Quest

5M Downloads Campaign

On JP Server

See below for the 5M Downloads Campaign on the JP Server.

5M Downloads Memorial Login Bonus

You can obtain 2000 Gems in total.

5M Downloads Memorial Normal Summon

You can roll normal summon gacha 3 times (5am・12pm・19pm) a day for free. This is a chance to have Awakening Souls and Fragments of Units.

Free 10x Summon

10x Unit summon

5M Downloads Memorial Shop

Here is a list of items you should purchase. Dime Memory・Azure is availalbe everyday, so don't forget to check the shop!

ItemPriceTrade Limit
Fragments of Will of Rainbowx11,000,000 Gil1
Phantom Sphere of Starbowx11,000,000 Gil3
Phantom Sphere of Sapphirex1250,000 Gil3
Dime Memory・Violetx25250,000 Gil3
Dime Memory・Azurex25125,000 Gil1 / a day
Dime Memory・Jadex1025,000 Gil1 / a day


the Rainbow of Thought or Rainbow Sphere sold in the 5m downloads Celebration Shop is sold via Paid Visiore.... sad
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
Yeah what sold at the shop on the JP server is different from that on the GL server.

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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