
Ifrit Raid Event

Man with a question
Anyone know his resistance to damage types or recommended units? (Slash/missile/magic/strike/pierce)
his weak to 30% water and 10% magic , but usualy they use slash for chain his 10% imune to slash
<< Anonymous
Thank you =). Hehe Gilgamesh can fix that slash resistance problem
<< Anonymous
30 % immune to ice sory forgot to mention hahahah
he also weak to fire, kind weird for fire esper has fire weakness
<< Anonymous
his not weak to fire, except if rain is there ,, the ulti of rain can decrease fire resist


Comments (updated every hour)

Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
This guy is top notch for reliquaries now that he can float with the raid item. Need friends a...
Looking for more friends add me !! 331763693950
Please make event tomb raider because i dont get my unit lara croft , please
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