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Weak on magic and water
wrong link info for dual trigger
little bit over a month*
ha ha so funny
dragon kiler efect 10 on +5
I'm pretty sure you get them as a login bonus, (not the monthly login bonus).
You need 63 recipes.
You are missing Focus from the ranger tree
Actually, never noticed how high the magic/attack were on vital. You may have a point~
his not weak to fire, except if rain is there ,, the ulti of rain can decrease fire resist
can't wait until they replace this with the tier rocks
Shout 2
Does boosting Shout do anything? Or is it a monumental waste of coin?
30 @@@ evade 8
Same! What can we do?
The skill of the area damage in here is wrong
How do you get tickets besides the friend point shop?
it reduces PHYSICAL DAMAGE, not magic.
1060 attack and 36 defense is way more tanky bruiser then this guy is giving Delita credit for
It's landing rate is based on faith, so raise your WoL faith
I dont understand why Agrias doesnt have this skill, but Delita has firaga blade... weird
Warrior of Light can learn it too.
Yes, seriously underrated, and not just usable by tanks. Non-tank, non-missile units that do a lot of fighting at close range can certainly benefit from it.
I'm looking for the green ones too I can find all others in the shop but not green
Anton 3
No, not defense.
FFT part 2 event mission? Also try check bingo
How many evasion do we get from this skill ?
max knights honor give 6 AGI and 12 SPR
What's the % this ability triggers?
cool .. but not everyone has a good dark unit like urs
no other option its the only esper that is good for guner as of the moment
Delita can use this in FFT when he becomes his unique knight class. Units in wotv take most typeless attacks and convert them to their own element.
The comment on bottom says it doesn't gain from tp skills.
anyone know when this event rerun in global?
Chibai Kimak Chibai Kimak. Makan Babi Sedap!
Nope, son
since the enemy is weak on spear unit ..viktoria wil always do the job ;)
So I assume this can remove existing status effects and then act as a prophylactic against future applications?
Jump+1 1
Does "Jump+1" actually do anything when you equip it?
Nothing is wrong with those thighs or rear. Nothing at all.
One of the more insane skills I've seen thus far!
if only the effect would % proc with Quad shot
so good
Defend 1
30% chance?
how much lightning res reduction?
I think they meant: When you defeat Warmech at Lv 40 and Lv 70 you get a Armor of Light +2 (Lv 50) and Armor of Light +4 (Lv.50). The truth is: * At Lv 40 you get a +2 Armor of Light (Lv 1) * At Lv 79 you get a +4 Armor of Light (Lv 1)
nope, laswell still long way to go


Comments (updated every hour)

Yuna 75
Yuna + Princess Garnet team up?
Does this grant the Silence spell at 3 stars?
This guy’s personality pisses me off. I wanna backhand him.
Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
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