Raises own DEF Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals 3-Hit Dmg (L) to target & raises own AGI for 3 turns.
Fire Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Fire Attack +15, own Slash Attack Res Piercing Rate +15 / Evasion Rate +5
Raises own ATK for 3 turns after movement to target panel, then deals 3-Hit Dmg (L) to target.
Bestows a barrier that prevent Dmg on self (1 time) & raises own Piercing Attack Evasion Rate for 3 turns & nullifies Guaranteed Hit against attack on you.
Raises own Slash Attack Res Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (L) to target within area around self & chance of inflicting Blind for 3 turns.
Deals 3-Hit Dmg (L) to target after movement to target panel & raises own ATK for 3 turns.
Deals Non-Elemental Dmg (S) to target.
Raises own Piercing Attack Evasion Rate for 3 turns & nullifies Guaranteed Hit against attack on you.
Raises own Slash Attack Res Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (M) to target within area around self & chance of inflicting Blind for 3 turns.
Removes Protect from target, then deals Fire Dmg (L).
Raises AGL of allies within area around self for 3 turns & raises own Unit Attack Res for 3 turns.
Removas all buff from target, then deals Dmg (M) & reduces AP & recovers own AP & chance of inflicting Steal.
Deals Dmg (M) to target within range & chance of inflicting Confusion for 3 turns.
Raises ATK & raises DEF Piercing Rate while HP is 80% or above.
Chance of raising CT (Min) when evading Attack.
Raises own ATK for 3 turns.
Raises own Jump/Move by 1 for 3 turns.
Deals Dmg (M) to target after Jump delay.
Chance of lowering Bravery of targets within range.
Deals Dmg (M) to targets within range after Jump delay.
Jump +1
Raises Max HP/Healing Power.
Chance of Counterattack when taking Dmg & absorbs Dmg dealt.
UR Units & Tier List
UR Vision Cards
Ramza Beoulve | Unit
Half Year Anniversary Eve Part 1
Ice Megacryst