This does not work on howlet because rune knight only has "slash" for chain type. But his attack is purely mag based so it takes no physical properties.
It only costs 1250 for 25 shards, 3750 for 2*, 7.5 for 3*, 15k for 4*
at 2* you'll probably get at least 12% each, worth for landos and howletts to do half now and half on rerun.
This is why you don't buy every unit as soon as they came out.
The fact this wasn't limited should give you enough time to save by times the shard came out once again.
Does this card give Slashing Piercing Penetration or Slashing Penetration Resistance??? >:(
Piercing, because cids babies need their investment to be even stronger again
Question is, will the ignore slash atk res go below 0%? Like if the unit has -10% res will it become -30%? Because if that's the case then this card is broken af.
No it does not go into negative. Penetration works like this:
Your opponent has 40% slash res, you hit them with 20% slash penetration, this meams you bypass 20% of their 40% slash res, so the end result is your opponent has 32% slash res against you.
The higher their slash res, the better penetration becomes. Same rules apply for def penetration.
Must have for Orlandeau because him only do slash and benefit only from slash or lightning UP
This might work differently. I believe this reduces the targets slash resistance by 20%, and then boosts slash by 25. This could be a lot more affective than a straight 45 slash
Cutting Slash Resist by 20% is pretty broken too. Most people building for that have Iron Giant right now and it's only 15%. The game is already so bursty and this thing makes it that much harder. I think 10% ignore would have been plenty.
By the time this comes out a lot of people will be playing with pierce teams due to Glacia & Kain. I believe it's currently magic teams are the meta in JP. It's possible they added this card to help balance a few things out
Agreed, i think this is the first time they released another UR vision card with the same or even better abilities. If they keep releasing 2 abilities in one vision card, time to throw or forget about upgrading all those vision cards.