Everyone seems to be forgetting he has flat dark resistance down. EZ mono dark raid team right there.
Sterne 120 has flat slash down.
The combo would be ez to force dark slash teams in any raid/boss content.
The amount of "hate" you get from maxing out Swift Shadow is at the very most the same as that from "Vows" * (a Lvl 10 Swift Shadow only gives +3 Hate). Doesn't seem sustainable in Guild Battles.
Along with his heavy damage capabilities and with speed on his side, it will certainly be useful, especially as a passive. Can't be sure yet, but I believe he'll draw more hate than Engelbert at least, even Rain; current main magic tank. Plus, with his resists and the dark lineup, he's gold. Imho
On a side note, can anyone confirm if his Master Ability's "Max HP+10%・Dark Attack+15 for all Dark allies" apply to him as well? Or does it only apply to his team members? Duane's hp doesn't seem to be affected from what I can tell.
Depends on what resistance you want to build him for?
Golem and Agiaion for pierce, Demon wall for slash, warmech for missile and Fenrir for Magic resist. Basically just build resistance to what teams you are hunting.
Argie Divina
I will pull for him. X5 maybe..
Imagine... Having Yuna and Duane in the same team...
defo pass, limited, double cost only for 2 weeks.
unless they bring us the barracks shards sooner imo we should pass.
also they hinting the summer units at the new year
New tank/dps to counter meta, another dark slasher too