Luartha (Winter) is a limited-time unit centered around Christmas, similar to the other winter units. She's a crit-based damage dealer with a unique main job that almost makes her play like Rangers (except without a long-range normal attack), poking from afar and softening them up in the process with single target attacks. Despite the medium damage multiplier, she has access to Self-Sacrifice and some crit-related stats from her passives, allowing her to hit pretty hard with every attack.
Her signature move, Binding Javelin, has a range of 5 (6 with a passive) and can decrease healing power + a decent chance to inflict Immobilize if it crits. Combined with her Masterful Melody, which is a triple buff in 1 convenient ability, it essentially gives her the advantage when it comes to a ranged fight as long as she has the AP for it.
Lowers target's Pierce Res for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (L).
Effect Type
Attack Type
Max Effect (at Lv.20)
Dmg: 200%, Piercing Res: -38%
Range Height
Area Height
Master Ability
Master Ability 1
Wind Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Wind Attack +15, own DEF Piercing Rate +15 / Critical Dmg +10%
Master Ability 2
Own Critical Dmg +15% / Area Attack Res +15 / Chance of being targeted -3
Dream Ability
Own Accuracy +30 / Javelinfall: Dream Skill Upgrade: Enhances Range Area, Enhances Range Area, Lower target's DEF within range for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (M) & auto-restore AP (S) for 3 turns upon Critical Hit.