
10M Downloads Campaign

10M downloads campaign in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Free multi summon, login bonus, challenge missions, pickup summon, memorial shop.
WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 29/02/2020
Montly Missions (2020 February on JP Server)
English (EN)10M Downloads Campaign
Japanese (日本語)1000万DL記念キャンペーン

Free Multi Summon

10M Downloads Campaign


JST: 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59 (on JP server)


1 multi summon can be rolled for free to celebrate the 10M downloads of the game.

Login Bonus

10M Downloads Campaign


JST: 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


You can get 2,800 lapis in total as login bonus.

Normal Summon

10M Downloads Campaign


[Duration] JST (on JP server): 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


You can roll normal multi summon 3 times a day. Unit fragments and awoken prisms can be obtained from it.

Challenge Missions

10M Downloads Campaign


JST (on JP server): 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 17th 14:59


Challenge MissionReward
Clear To Burn Up My Heart event battle 1 once.Grow Egg SRx20
Strengthen a vision card / vision cards (spend a grow egg / grow eggs) 10 times .Story Skip Ticketx20
Level up an ability / abilities 10 timesEXP Cube largex20
Clear To Burn Up My Heart event battle 10 once.Burst Potx10
Join to a guild.Phantom Sphere of Starbowx1
Level an unit / units 10 timse.NRG Restore Smallx5
Strengthen a summon / summons (spend a magicite / magicites) 5 timesNRG Restore Small
Level JobLv of an unit / units 5 timesWhite Magicite largex20
Clear To Burn Up My Heart event battle 5 once.Ampotx10
Bingo LinesReward
1 lineLapisx100
2 lineLapisx100
3 lineLapisx100
4 lineLapisx100
5 lineLapisx100
6 lineLapisx100
7 lineLapisx100
8 lineFragments of the Will of Rainbowx1

10M Downloads Memorial Summon

10M Downloads Campaign


[Duration] JST (on JP server): 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


Each time you don't pull 1 or more UR unit or ivison card, 20% bonus points are accumulated. The summon right after reaching the 100 points guarantees at least 1 UR unit or vision card.

Gilgamesh Sterne Leonis Resounding Screem

1 UR Guaranteed Multi Summon

10M Downloads Campaign
10M Downloads Campaign


[Duration] JST (on JP server): 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


You can roll 1 UR unit or 1 vision card guaranteed summon only once. Each of them requires 2,000 premium lapis.

Pickup Shop

10M Downloads Campaign


JST (on JP server): 2020 March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


ItemGil・LapisTrade Limit
Fragments of Gilgameshx404,000 Lapis1
Fragments of Sternex402,000 Lapis1
Resounding Screemx251,250 Lapis1
Ice Awakening Pack II (Ice Fragmentsx100・Ice Prismx100・Rainbow Fragmentsx1・Starbow Spherex1)x13,000 Premium Lapis1
Fragments of the Will of Icex101,000 Lapis5
Memory of Soldier・Azurex15,000 Gil1
Memory of Winged One・Azurex15,000 Gil1
Memory of Soldier・Jadex12,500 Gil1
Memory of Winged One・Jadex12,500 Gil1
Awoken Soul of Ice ★6x10200 Lapis5
Awoken Soul of Ice ★5x1050 Lapis5
Pyroxene of Ice・Scarletx20400 Lapis1
Pyroxene of Ice・Citronx20100 Lapis1
Pyroxene of Ice・Violetx20200,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Ice・Azurex20100,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Ice・Jadex2050,000 Gil1

10M Downloads Memorial Shop

10M Downloads Campaign


JST (on JP server): March 1st 0:00 ~ March 9th 14:59


ItemGil・LapisTrade Limit
Daily Free 5 Mini Burst Potx101
10M Downloads Memorial Awoken Pack (100 Elemental Fragments Summon Ticketx1, Rainbow Fragmentsx1, Starbow Shperex3, 100 Elemental Prism Summon Ticketx1)x13,000 Premium Lapis1
10M Downloads Memorial EXP Pack (Exp Cube extremex100, largex100, midx100, smallx100)12,000 Premium Lapis1
Equipment DEF Upgrade Pack (Adamantite extremex150・Hammer of Reforgingx1・Seal of DEFx20・Dwarf Hammer of DEFx3)x11,500 Lapis1
Equipment Mind Upgrade Pack (Adamantite extremex150・Hammer of Reforgingx1・Seal of Mindx20・Dwarf Hammer of Mindx3)x11,500 Lapis1
Equipment EVA Upgrade Pack (Adamantite extremex150・Hammer of Reforgingx1・Seal of EVAx20・Dwarf Hammer of EVAx3)x11,500 Lapis1
Phantom Sphere of Starbowx11,000,000 Gil1
Phantom Sphere of Sapphirex1250,000 Gil3
EXP Cube extremex102,000 Lapis10
EXP Cube largex10500 Lapis10
EXP Cube midx1080,000 Gil10
EXP Cube smallx1020,000 Gil10
Mini Burst Potx10200,000 Gil5
Mini Ampotx10200,000 Gil5
Grow Egg SRx10320,000 Gil10
Grow Egg Rx1080,000 Gil10
Grow Egg Nx1020,000 Gil10
Adamantite largex10128,000 Gil10
Adamantite midx1064,000 Gil10
Adamantite smallx1032,000 Gil10


Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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