Been too lazy to finish tower until tonight, sleeping on this unit until I used transpose on floor 39 when she was the last unit alive, ai kept advancing on one of the spawn points, and then going the long way around back while I kept switching places with a turtle that never moved
Seems to do 15% less damage than rosa and lucia, but I haven't fully upgraded skills yet... but I think the skills themselves have lower multipliers
Really enjoying time subjob, haste ally and slow arrow targets... if she were a little more durable I'd try her in live pvp
Imo depending on map there are better units for xiza bell, and thus better units period
Really looking forward to siren raid tho, slow counter etc... I think she'll really pay off for ex missions with a main enemy, like 30x in tower 2
After playing the unit more, she does less damage bc other ranged units have support skills increase missile attack by that much, probably
Her gunner subjob has it, if you want damage, I use bell with sniper for those aoes, or lucia tmr for speed/better support with time mage sub... choice in other equipment and passives are pretty obvious, depending on which of the 3 builds you want
I would suggest you pulling for other units instead of Nivlu if you already have Frederika. Frederika still does have its strengths like barrage, reflex and sharpshoot and should be sufficient for killing or hunting Glaciela and Ildyra.
She's so much better than Fred. Fred doesn't do much against tanks, especially WoL and Engel. Niv tears through them.
Material calc doesn't have it linked yet but just trade souls in mog shop for blue and purple sniper memories, and then 6-1 let your blade do the talking is the best grind for yellow sniper
Slow arrow is going to own so hard on the next guild war map
Hopefully we never get that desert trench map again tho... was so bad, dwelling on lucia and fred for so long
I don’t have any ranged units. Don’t not like gunners so I will probably Save for her. She’s slow but has a time mage sub. TMR looks very good for evade builds. Time mage sub makes for a very good secondary DPS. Also perfect use of tetra esper here.
Is she any good in JP (part of meta)? Her ATK seems awfully low and she's squishy. Not sure if the debuffs and defense piercing make her a decent dps or not
She was in the meta in the top tier guild wars in JP for the previous map. That time mostly team consist of Agrias, Ilydra and Nivlu. She is great for killing Ildyra which is still one of the most used healer there. Currently in JP guild war most team consist of tanks are WOL, Kilphe, Agrias, Rain. Healer mainly Ildyra, ayaka and halloween leela now. Damage dealer Kain, Nivlu and Sakura.