

Float in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Effect, type, range, area, units, and level.
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update 26/07/2022

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Bestows Float on target for 3 turns.

Ability TypeCommand Command
Effect TypeMagic Magic
Max Effect (at Lv.20)--
Max Cast Speed (at Lv.20)360

Range & Area

Range Height2
Area Height0

Learned By

Phoebe Gilgamesh Ayaka Salire (Sweetheart) Kitone Lemure Aerith Helena Leonis Minwu Chel Miranda Niv Lu Skahal Margritte Lorenzo Ellshra Dark Fina Queen of Hourne, Machérie Hope


And what does "flot" do. Never use the term you are describing in the description, it only makes a circular reference that describes nothing.
<< Anonymous(Paul)
Aa Reply
as in FF Tactic. float mean you are "fly" state. so atk that have connect to the ground will be counting as Miss or 0 damage.
<< Anonymous(Aa)
Anonymouse Reply
Like Terra Slash will be ineffective against a floating unit? Does float also give archers more elevation when attacking?
<< Anonymous(Anonymouse)
Blake Reply
I tought it only works to avoid, falling damage; and it does not gives any extra range, nor helps to walk trouhgt hard terrains

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