AGI +10% / Activation Time -25%
Ice Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Stun Res +25, own Max HP +30% / DEF +15 when HP is 70% or above / SPR +15
Removes all Buffs from targets within range & lowers AGI for 3 turns & lowers CT (S).
Enhance Range. Lowers All Elemental Res of targets within range for turns, then deals Dmg (S) based on caster's MAG stat.
Deals Ice Dmg (M) to target based on caster's MAG stat & deals extra damage to targets affected by Elemental Res Down.
Deals Non-Elemental Dmg (M) to target based on caster's MAG stat.
Raises Ice Res of allies within range for 3 turns.
Removes all Buffs from targets within range.
Deals Dmg (S) to targets within range based on caster's MAG stat & lower All Elemental Res for 3 turns. (Target Unit Possible)
Lowers DEF of targets within range for 3 turns.
Lowers SPR for targets within range for 3 turns.
Raises target's AGI for 3 turns.
Raises Debuff Res/Magic Attack Res.
Increases effect duration of Buffs/Debuffs cast by self by 1 turn.
Removes all Buffs from enemy when taking Dmg.
Chance of inflicting Immobilize on target for 3 turns.
Bestows Float on target for 3 turns.
Chance of inflicting Slow on target for 3 turns.
Switches own location with target.
Bestows Haste on ally for 3 turns.
Bestows Quicken on ally.
Nullifies Slow, Stop, Haste, and Quicken.
Significantly reduces Activation Time.
Chance of inflicting Slow on target for 3 turns when taking Dmg.
Lowers target's Accuracy Rate for 3 turns.
Deals Dmg (M) to target & chance of inflicting Confusion for 3 turns.
Chance of stealing an item from enemy.
Raises own Evasion Rate for 3 turns.
Halves target's CT & raises own AGI for 3 turns.
Chance of inflicting Charm on target for 3 turns.
Move +1 & raises AGI.
Raises Aquired AP.
Chance of significantly raising own AGI for 1 turn when taking Dmg.
UR Units & Tier List
MR Units & MR Tier List
Player Information & How to Change Player Name
Sadali Crysthea
Damage/Heal Mechanics V2.0