
Dispel Counter

Dispel Counter ability in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Effect, type, range, area, units, and level.
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update 26/08/2022

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Removes all Buffs from enemy when taking Dmg.

Ability TypeReaction Reaction
Effect TypeMagic Magic
Max Effect (at Lv.20)Counter Dmg Chance: 20%

Range & Area

Range Height1
Area Height0

Learned By

Yuna Mediena Sylma Ayaka Khury Wezette Meriluke Gargas Helena Leonis Chel Vallaide Golbez Yshtola Grace Zoma


How useful is this passive? Nobody seems to recommend it but on paper it sounds useful.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For me there are 2 reason:
-The changes of activating it ( don't know the exact number but it rarely proc when I use it on fryevia)
-The range ( 2 square away isn't exactly reliable)

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