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Question List

How do i kick people from guild

i cant see any option for it

Guild battle, enemy marked as complete?

I just lost to an enemy, but then he got labelled as "complete" even though his team ar...

Mont TMR not found anywhere

I have Mont unit level 73 fully awakened and have just opened its 5th limit break, however, the T...

Trophy Rewards guild war

Anyone knows how works the point or tropys you guild wins or lose? Thanks for you atenttion and s...

Guild statues levels 1-5

May i know what we get from the guild statues once we reach them from at least the details for lv...

Select UR Vision Card Shard x50 Summon Ticket

Does anyone know if you use this for an Esper you don't own, if you receive the Esper or do ...

FFXIV Shards

Did Yshtola and Thancred's shards returned in JP version? Like how other limited versions re...

Chain multipliers

Does anyone know what the chain multipliers are for normal and for elemental chains? Is there a c...


Comments (updated every hour) HOW YOU STEALING UNIT SHARD AND STEA...
Nope. He's not.
Always go critical. +15 critical bonus and a potential of 34 in the straight critical stat for a ...
The idea behind Yuni is he’s a status causing archer (especially poison) who can also decre...
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