(Only for Jobs: Viking, Savage King, Strider, Ranger, White Mage of Lapis, White Mage of Baron, Sniper, Warrior of the Crystals (Fire), Hunter, Monk, Pugilist, Monk (FFVIIR), Priestess, Indomitable Hero, Martialist, Energist, Beach Blossom, Lord of the Underworld, Slime)
Slash Attack Res +24% / Magic ATK +28
Additional Party Ability at Max Level
(Only for Jobs: Viking, Savage King, Strider, Ranger, White Mage of Lapis, White Mage of Baron, Sniper, Warrior of the Crystals (Fire), Hunter, Monk, Pugilist, Monk (FFVIIR), Priestess, Indomitable Hero, Martialist, Energist, Beach Blossom, Lord of the Underworld, Slime)