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Store 1
If i read it right, it will increase the change of activatig reaction ability ( a blue colored skill). This mean the passive will increase counter slash, bootshine counter and counter ( Auron) change of being activated.
In the future, it's better to assume you're the one dumb af and not the game...
That EX job trully makes her shine. As a support the bad thing about her is her agi. That extra agi stat from the EX board and from her new passive will help a lot. Now she's a true speed buffer with instant Quicken and aoe haste-ey buff. A definite keep for pve stuff.
I did the first for the 3 rainbow orbs, didn't realize it said 300 shards at first... already had ayaka TMR, if I had gotten her again I could trade for two UR tix, but got rain shards, got sakura, saving the last 6k for future banners
Typhon 4
virgin average vanilla enjoyer, chad average corruption monster enjoyer
Ahlim 5
I think they came in november in jp so... 1 month before anniversary, maybe 2-3 months?
Can't find a link but I think I saw a datamine show significant can exceed 50%, but these labels are a range
The damage it deals is based on how much you are hit for. If you are hit for low dmg, you will only hit for a couple hundred. Get hit with a crit for 2k, u will counter for 2.5k.
Wish there were a combo of high mobility + hate down + immortal spirit, nuke your own unit so it has 1 hp and never gets targeted But it only has two uses and costs 30 ap, only combination I can think of is miranda with kitone tmr
I haven't tried it yet but transposition skills generally target a panel rather than a unit, the cast speed of holy so it may miss, and low range... better uses for armor pots out there
If you are gonna use it on healers like Ildyra, I dont think you need those spr since they would probably have a base good magic resist. Alternatively, if you want more defence probably plat armour might be better. For healers like Ildyra, i dont think you really need to be scared of magic attacks, should be more wary of slash attackers, missile or pierce. Rarely you will get hit with magic.
Doton 1
I think this has a more chance of activation compared to other counter attacks. Any idea?
What is the cast time?
On January 06 2021 :)
tbh nah, 2/3 units in all my pvp formations have guaranteed hit abilities It kind of makes a pvp square of evade teams > guarantee hit teams > castle > general steamrolling teams might get it tho for mutually assured evasion hijinks in top rank pvp
Its fine bro, early on focus on weapons > armor > accessories... the only good accessories are TMR which require lvl 89 to use, or are rewards from raids which are more mid-late game grind, otherwise just event rewards like tide ring, sortilege 5+ weapons give 15% more damage, armor will give similar reduction depending on damage type
Move+1 2
kitone tmr and I think a limited unit tmr that wasn't released in GL, may be wrong on the second... but the former only lasts 3 turns, move/jump+1 and hate down, may interfere if its a tank you need to be mobile
I didn't max cecil because I was dismissive of this, but after some pvp the initiative of 18 AP goes pretty far for some units
No gaff is a glass Canon build him straight attack and he can @@@ stuff before it touches him so hp doesn't matter
Holy 4
Glacial with 25% ice attack just about offsets penalties from either build to, apart from weapon and passive, seamlessly do both I prefer no charge time and greater range of bow skills tho, especially on certain live pvp maps people don't move their ayaka far enough away, they usually just concede
Should be a UR unit, story-wise. He's the master of UR-Miranda but he's only SSR/MR.
Kain 52
What is your preferred Sub-Ability with Kain?
Indeed, hahahahaha.
10% on normal, 40% brutal, just hop in some multi brutals bc you get a double drop
Stone will be a race, like golem, I think Like 5 races are essentially absent right now, machina among them, although 9s/2b are both machina type, otherwise only in a single raid
great for ras algathi farm. dodge ildy now
Hoping I'll get her on free pulls soon. She will be my 4th gunner along with Raiyuu, Fred, LuCia.
keep pulling
5% of Max AP (same % no matter what level) for 3 Turns on self. 30% Def penetration (Lv1) - 50% Def penetration (Lv20) for 3 Turns against opponent.
Basically Agrias Armor with heals. hrmm....
accuracy over crit unless you have acc from other gear / card / esper
Just the price paid for poor range on a monk? Monk is just a trash job?
Does her ally passive stack with Tidus
good for you, maybe you might as well push for top 10 arena next week since nobody seems to bother to pull for her :D
You'll probably have to wait a year since the FFT2 collaboration wasn't too long ago.
Please bring back Agrias, i was not able to pull her.
Tower is an exclusive event, it only opened twice so far.
Slow 2
Faith, some units have a bonus to status infliction but unsure if there's an obscure MR unit with it as master ability Presumably someday there will be status benefiting weapons, and status resistance reducing attacks Otherwise its purely based on the status resistance of the target, and their faith.
No, but bravery.
In a 3 unit team, Sosha can have 780 ATK dealing out over 5500 damage without buffs. Sure her AGI is only 70 on her best day, but if you need an extra member for your wind team, she is pretty decent. Plus Gumi will create unit specific vision cards to buff some low rarity units and the level cap will increase; if I had to guess, a level 120 Sosha will be better than many level 99 URs.
If you are planning on upgrading an SR, I'd say that you should stick with either Sosha or Serjes. Serjes has a good agility at 61 before gear/esper and has the paladin sub job. Charged attacks have a higher multiplier, so Sosha does more damage than Serjes, but if you have a maxed Mask Of Deceit Vision Card and Ice Lance, Serjes could do decent damage, comparable to the best MR units.
Probably should mention getting medi from challenges as fast as possible.
Rest. Rest in peace.
How much does it add at max?


Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
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