
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2

FFT collaboration event campaigns part 2 in wotvffbe. Limited time summon, summon banner, event shop, medal shop, and featured units.
WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 26/08/2020
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2
Initial Release (JP, JST)April 22, 2020
Initial Release (GL, PST)August 26, 2020

Featured Units & Vision Cards

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Agrias Delita Mustadio Reed Pipe Red chocobo

Login Bonus

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Deep Dungeon Quest

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Limited Time Chocobo Expedition Area

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Notable Available Items

Delita Shard Agrias Shard Mustadio Shard Ramza Shard Orlandeau Shard Gaffgarion Shard Recipe for Nagrarok Sortilege Recipe FFT Part2 Event Medal Fire Fragment of Thought Ice Fragment of Thought White Magicite XL

Limited Time Hard Quest

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Visiore Consumption Bonus

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Featured Summons

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

4 UR Guaranteed Multi Summon (Premium)

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Step Up Summon (Premium)

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Challenge Missions (Bingo)

Quest MissionReward
Progress with FFT Part2 Event Quest (1)FFT Part2 Event Medal x1000
Attempt event quests 100 timesEXP Cube extreme x20
Attempt hard quests 50 timesGrowth Egg SSR x15
Attempt multi player quests 50 timesWhite Magicite XL x10
Progress with FFT Part2 Event Quest (3)NRG Restore L x20
Attempt story questsKing Armor Pot x10
Get 30 items from Chocobo ExpeditionStory Skip Ticket x50
Compete in arena 30 timesKing Burst Pot x10
Progress with FFT Part2 Event Quest (2)FFT Part2 Event Medal x1000
Quest MissionReward
1 LineMachinist Memory (Violet) x1
2 LineSquier (Delita) Memory (Violet) x1
3 LineHoly Knight Memory (Violet) x1
4 LineIce Awakening Prism x30
5 LineEarth Awakening Prism x30
6 LineFire Awakening Prism x30
7 LineLightning Awakening Prism x30
8 LineMustadio Shard x40

Event Memorial Shop

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
ItemGil・VisioreTrade Limit
Agrias Enhancement Packx12,000 Paid Visiore1
Agrias Shardx402,000 Visiore3
Delita Shardx402,000 Visiore3
Mustadio Shardx20600 Visiore3
Reed Pipe Shardx251,250 Visiore3
Red Chocobo Shardx20600 Visiore3
Fire Soul ★2~4 Pack (Fire Awoken Soul★4x50・★3x50・★2x50)x1500,000 Gil1
Ice Soul ★2~4 Pack (Ice Awoken Soul★4x50・★3x50・★2x50)x1500,000 Gil1
Earth Soul ★2~4 Pack (Earth Awoken Soul★4x50・★3x50・★2x50)x1500,000 Gil1
Fragments of the Will of Firex101,000 Visiore5
Fragments of the Will of Icex101,000 Visiore5
Fragments of the Will of Eathx101,000 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Ice ★6x10200 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Ice ★5x1050 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Fire ★6x10200 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Fire ★5x1050 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Earth ★6x10200 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Earth ★5x1050 Visiore5
Pyroxene of Ice・Scarletx20400 Visiore1
Pyroxene of Ice・Citronx20100 Visiore1
Pyroxene of Ice・Violetx20200,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Ice・Azurex20100,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Ice・Jadex2050,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Red)x20400 Visiore1
Fire Alcryst (Yellow)x20100 Visiore1
Fire Alcryst (Purple)x20200,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Blue)x20100,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Green)x2050,000 Gil1
Earth Alcryst (Red)x20400 Visiore1
Earth Alcryst (Yellow)x20100 Visiore1
Earth Alcryst (Purple)x20200,000 Gil1
Earth Alcryst (Blue)x20100,000 Gil1
Earth Alcryst (Green)x2050,000 Gil1

Event Medal Shop

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
ItemMedalTrade Limit
Agrias Shardx125080
Delita Shardx125080
Mustadio Shardx1150100
Ramza Shardx125040
Orlandeau Shardx125040
Gaffgarion Shardx1100400
Squier (Delita) Memory (Red)x18005
Squier (Delita) Memory (Yellow)x14004
Holy Knight Memory (Red)x18005
Holy Knight Memory (Yellow)x14004
Machinist Memory (Red)x18005
Machinist Memory (Yellow)x14004
Memory of Squier (Red)x18005
Memory of Squier (Yellow)x14004
Memory of Sword Saint (Red)x18005
Memory of Sword Saint (Yellow)x14004
Memory of Fell Knight (Red)x18005
Memory of Fell Knight (Yellow)x14004
Magicite of each colorx15050 for each
Phantom Sphere of Starbowx15,0001
Fragments of the Will of Rainbowx15,0001
Fire Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Ice Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Wind Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Earth Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Earth Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Water Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Light Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Dark Fragment of Thoughtx125020
Fire Awakening Prismx125020
Ice Awakening Prism x125020
Wind Awakening Prismx125020
Earth Awakening Prismx125020
Thunder Awakening Prismx125020
Water Awakening Prismx125020
Light Awakening Prismx125020
Dark Awakening Prismx125020
Sortilege Recipex11,000100
Bomb Ashx1300300
Mysterious Hardened Sapx1200999
Water Crystalx1100300
Recipe for Nagrarokx1150100
Cloudy Hardened Sapx15010
Heart of Sorrowx1502
Life Seal x130020
Defense Sealx130020
Spirit Sealx130020
Skill Sealx130020
Evasion Sealx130020
Damage Sealx130020
Secrets of the Forge (Sword)x1500300
Secrets of the Forge (Accessory)x1500300
Ampotx110010 Per Day
Burst Potx110010 Per Day
Adamantite largex15010 Per Day
Adamantite midx13010 Per Day
Adamantite smallx11510 Per Day
EXP Cube extremex12005 Per Day
EXP Cube largex15010 Per Day
EXP Cube midx13010 Per Day
EXP Cube smallx11510 Per Day
Gil Turtle largex12010 Per Day
Gil Turtle midx1510 Per Day
Gil Turtle smallx1110 Per Day
Grow Egg SRx15010 Per Day
Grow Egg Rx13010 Per Day
Grow Egg Nx11510 Per Day
Faint Memory (Red)x15003 Per Day
Faint Memory (Yellow)x11005 Per Day
Faint Memory (Purple)x15010 Per Day
Faint Memory (Blue)x12010 Per DAY

FFT Collaboration Shop Rerun

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Summon Medal Shop A & B

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Ramza Step Up Summon Rerun

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

Ramza/Orlandeau Pick Up Summon Rerun

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)

FFT Collaboration Summon Medal Shop Rerun

FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)
FFT Collaboration Event Part 2 (JP)


I want Agrias please bring her back, i will do everything to get her.
<< Anonymous(Adelle)
Satan Reply
did you say, everything..?
<< Anonymous(Adelle)
Anonymous Reply
You'll probably have to wait a year since the FFT2 collaboration wasn't too long ago.
How do I get the "Reissue Summon Medals (B)? I need 200 Orlandeau shards and see that 600 are available with those medals.
<< Anonymous(BongoYoda)
Anonymous Reply
You need to do the 2000 vis summon and probably get 100 for each 2000 vis summon which gives you 5 shards if im not wrong.
<< Anonymous
BongoYoda Reply
does ramza or orlandu re-appear in normal or whimsy shops in this event?
<< Anonymous(Leynold)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Leynold)
Anonymous Reply
1st week no, 2nd till end of event is a yes. i have lv.89 orlandu (missing 150+shards) before event. Now he is max lv.99
<< Anonymous(Leynold)
Anonymous Reply
not really
<< Anonymous(Leynold)
Anonymous Reply
you can get him this week, too, just low chance. I have gotten Orlandu shards in whimsy twice this week and seen somebody with the Scion vision card shards in their shop in a pull video. Haven't been able to get the vision card or Ramza shards to spawn in my own shops yet this week.
Is it possible to get cid and MLB him in this part 2 event? (i don’t have him yet but have few shards from part 1 event)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, and you can get around 90 guaranteed shards (medal event's currency and shop).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i need around 215 orlandeau shard to MLB him, where can i get the shard? its only 40 shard now via medal event, will it show up in random shop?
wait.. so the Ramza Step Up Summon returns in Week 2 of the collaboration event?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I didn't get Ramza during the first collaboration. So it'd be nice if he is still a guarantee during the second collaboration.
Hi in summon medal shop rerun, is Ramza still available for purchase ?
<< Anonymous(Ark)
Anonymous Reply
Yee 40 shards
Can you get the free Ramza and Orlandu shards (FFT EX event) if you missed the first one?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no :(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, but only 40 shards from medal's event currency.
Will Gaf be free reward again? (Missed the first event)
Will be Scion VC back with the banner?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, but only 25 shards. You'll have to pull on the ramza or cid banner to trade in medals to the moogle to max it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Be ready to whale real hard and regret.
Visiore Consumption Bonus... Not Agrias... Feelsbad.

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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