
Rod Wielder Memory (Blue)

WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 04/04/2020

Table of contents

Blue & Green

Chapter 7 Scene 3 Battle7

Faint Memory (Green) Faint Memory (Blue) Memory of Samuai (Green) Memory of Samuai (Blue) Memory of Cleric  (Green) Memory of Cleric  (Blue) Sorrowful Heart Blue Spiritsand Recipe for Mythril Claws Jadeite of Ninja Sword Azurite of Ninja Sword Jadeite of Mace Azurite of Mace Thunder Alcryst (Green) Thunder Alcryst (Blue) Prowling Wyvern Statue (Green) Prowling Wyvern Statue (Blue) Rod Wielder Memory (Green) Rod Wielder Memory (Blue)

Blue & Purple

Chapter 8 Scene 1 Battle2

Faint Memory (Blue) Faint Memory (Purple) Memory of Thief (Blue) Memory of Thief (Purple) Rod Wielder Memory (Blue) Rod Wielder Memory (Purple) Velvety Fluid Clear Sap Recipe for Great Bow Azurite of Bow Charoite of Bow Azurite of Mace Charoite of Mace Ice Alcryst (Blue) Ice Alcryst (Purple) Praying Angel Statue (Blue) Praying Angel Statue (Purple)

Chapter 8 Scene 2 Battle2

Faint Memory (Blue) Faint Memory (Purple) Memory of Paladin (Blue) Memory of Paladin (Purple) Memory of Spellblade (Blue) Memory of Spellblade (Purple) Rod Wielder Memory (Blue) Rod Wielder Memory (Purple) Unidentifiable Sap Raging Heart Recipe for Mythril Saber Azurite of Dagger Charoite of Dagger Azurite of Gun Charoite of Gun Fire Alcryst (Blue) Fire Alcryst (Purple) Praying Angel Statue (Blue) Praying Angel Statue (Purple)


Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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