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think outside the box. for instance, charlotte is a good candidate for this item. keeps movement at 3 with thief lore and gives her innate hate.
Your more than likely going to have to wait for a new UR unit with Thief/Assassin as a main job or a Collab with Locke, Zidane, or similar. Collab's would most likely have a new dagger type, which would be acceptable as well IMO.
No, the attack stat is pretty standard to other SSR/UR crafted spears, the accuracy up upon crit means you lose out on pierce attack up/elemental attack up/defense penetration up for an accuracy boost that lasts for one turn after you land a critical. which this weapon grants a negligible amount of which also means you'd need another gear piece dedicated to raising critical even if you want that.
Is she max awakening?
Should really have stayed as Man Eater, definitely fits it, if you know what i mean ◕ ◡ ◕
in addition with the buff applied there able to do massive damage and even tank bust cause of pen added. as for the ai my louelle use the skill in gvg and pvp alot when her hp is low or if the hitting a target far range if you have other 5 range skill you will have to turn those skills off for the ai to prioritize using drain evocation
You could farm sand from the shinra bangle thing I guess
Increase Critical Rate (10 => 30) for 3 turns for self Increase Critical Damage (10 => 30) for 3 turns for self
If you are building 99% slash and magic resistance Whisper, yes, this item is a must +5
yea pretty much
Wrong aoe pattern
Velric is supposed to be very accurate and luck affects accuracy
Fryevia 86
Aaaaand nop! She still sucks with her ex and will keep sucking!
is this a new skill or a upgrade?
strike type big AoE magic attack with absorb HP and can be used 3 times... this attack is almost too good. thank god it have cast time, otherwise it will be very overpowered
Dagger 1
you can buy it for 2000 visiore atm in the shop (+5 critical)
Velric 4
why the hek is he ice element when his LB is a fireball into earthquake xD
you called it hah
Aileen 30
one of the counters also carries earth element
crit for sure, Aerith have so much dex and with some vision card, can be boost over 100 more dex.
Effect : significantly raises evation for 1 turn. Not a 3 hit attack
the vc won't be added into the general banner, but it can return if they do ff7r collab rerun.
throw a coin , you have 50% chance of heads or tails, doesnt mean the outcome will have a fixed ratio if you throw 2 , 5 , 10 times
For information, Acquired ap % works on tp spending and stack with buff, even with card ;)
Max effect : -38% ice resistance
Sucks that the protect is onyl to himself
Defense for this one, but in the future the answer for all equipment is "NOT VITAL"
Zazan the soul medal farm
2000, got her right away
Rain 73
Encounter of heroes (Rain exclusive Vision), that vision 100% exclusively designed for him. For slash resist you can use "Solidus, hourne first division" Vision on other mage, or you can use it directly on rain. For magic resist you can use his passive, rain SPR stat already high enough 36-40 (using passive skill spr up) even higher if you use his own TMR ~54-56.
Just buy it and break it down once
Slash increase the medals u get?
calc says 10-25
tmr is meh...
Nope, it means it decrease the damage of AOE attacks that are not single target attack type.
card for the future milf vinera
Its a bait, items not woth
Why is this not a slash move like dark blade is :/
Just guessing. It is either 1% per level or if it is like Thief's lore or anything passive movement. Than maybe 13%
Party ability for fire team not lightning
Since people obviously don't how ct or mag% buffs work, it's: 150% mag at any level for 1 turn, 15% chance to gain 500 ct at level 20. All in all, fairly useless, however that mag buff is by no means small, that's 5*Cecil or Medi TMR, 3*Rosa's, just over 2*Fryevia's Florid Hairpin (so can have mental reference to compare.) Also, it's essentially restricted the armor units with the exception of Vikings as most armor helmet are.
Love it when they don't post the values of an ability, but expect people to think this legit, lol... It's 40% --- 70% scaling with skill lvl for magic/attack. It's 10% --- 25% scaling with skill lvl for wind eater. It's a 1 duration buff for good reason, it's a strong one..
3 turn duration
I am currently grinding for this ring. Be warned, very few characters can equip this ring. I did not notice this until a bit more than halfway through my grind.
Probably need to adjust the range on this. It says for self and allies, but it show only 1 tile.


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Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
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