
FFXIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event & Campaign Details (Global)

FFXIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event Campaign in wotvffbe. How to get Y'shtola, how to get Thancred, summon banner, event shop, and mogshop.
WOTV Breaking News
Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 31/03/2020
For the JP version of this event, click here.


Featured Units, Vision Cards, and Weapons

Thancred Yshtola Scions of Shadow SHADOWBRINGERS Lion Heart Imitate

Is Y'shtola Good & Worth to Enhance?

Y'shtola is a good MR unit. Even if you don't use it at this moment, I recommend you to collect items to enhance Y'shtola, Shard and Memory of Sorceress.

Is Thancred Good & Worth to Enhance?

Thancred is really good tank & melee unit. Unlike other URs, it doesn't have Limit Break but it's not that problem.

If you don't have enough time to farm the event quests, you might not be able to get it or obtain enough shards to perform max limit break on it though.

It's alos a limited time unit. After the event, you can't get the Unit Shard until this event reruns.

Is Lion Heart Replica Good & Worth to Craft?

It's good and Thancred can equip only Lion Heart Replica. If you have Thancred, then get the craft recipe at least. I recommend you to get 7 recipes at least then you can craft +2 Lion Heart Replica.

How Can I Get Event Summon Ticket?

At the MogShop, you can trade 200 Tomestones of Goetia for a event summon ticket (Trade limit is 3).

You can also get the ticket as a reward for the daily mission, "Clear the Event Quest Once".

Should I Trade for Event Summon Ticket Everyday?

Basically yes. UR unit Thancred and Thancred Shard (used to perform limit break on Thancred) can be summoned.

If you want Thancred in a certain way, trade 15,000 Tomestones for Thancred at the MogShop first.

I Won't Take Thancred. What Items Should I Trade for at the MogShop (TomeStone)?

Rainbow Fragment of Thought is the one you must take.

It's used to awaken untis regardless of their rarity and depleted of that item is the problem many F2P players will have.

Should I do FFXIV Collaborative Summon?

If you are a F2P player, you don't have to. The two collaborative vision cards are good, but it's super hard and costly to farm the summon medal to trade for Thancred.

How to Play the Event

・Play the event quests to get Tomestones as item drops.

・Clear event record missions to get Tomestones as rewards.

・Trade Tomestones for Event Summon Ticket, Thancred, Thancred Shard, Y'shtola Shard, Memory of Sorceress, Memory of Gunbreaker, Rainbow Fragment of Thought, and other items.

How to Enhance Y'shtola

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event (Global)

Y'shtola is a reward unit. You can get it for free.

To perform limit breaks on it, you have to collect Y'shtola Shard. Trade Tomestones for that item at the MogShop. You can also get Y'shtola Shard from the Event Ticket summon,

To raise Y'shtola's Sorceress JobLv, you also trade Tomestones for Memory of Sorceress at the MogShop.

Shard and Job Memory are limited time items.

How to Get & Enhance Thancred

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event (Global)

How to Get the UR Unit

You can get Thancred by:

・Trading 15,000 Tomestones for Thancred at the MogShop.

・Trading 300 FFXIV Summon Medals for Thancred at the MogShop.

・Summoning by using FFXIV Event Summon Ticket.

How to Get the Unit Shard

You can get Thancred Shard by the following ways:

・Trading 250 Tomestones for 1 Shard. Trade limit is 80.

・Trading 4,000 Visiore for 40 Shards. Trade Limit is 3.

・Trading 5 FFXIV Summon Medals for 1 Shard. Trade limit is 600.

・Summoning by using FFXIV Event Summon Ticket.

To perform max limit break on Thancred, you need 600 Shards in total.

How to Get & Enhance Lion Heart Replica

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event (Global)

As a Gunbreaker, Thancred can only equip Lion Heard Replica. If you are planning to use Thancred, you also have to craft and enhance the weapon.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Summon

FFXIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event Campaigns (Global)
FFXIV: Shadowbringers Collaborative Event Campaigns (Global)


PST: ~ Apr 14, 2020 at 23:59


Drop rates of Schions of Shadow and Shadowbringers vision cards are increased.

You can get 2 FFXIV Summon Medals for a single summon or 20 Medals for a multi summon. Trade the medals for Thancred, Thancred Shard, and Y'shtola Shard.

If you are a F2P player, you may not be able to famr the summon medals.

MogShop (FFXIV Summon Medal)

Here is a list of notable unit & items at the MogShop.

ItemMedalTrade Limit
Yshtola Unit Shardx12500
Fragments of Thancredx15600

Event Summon Ticket

FFXIV Summon Ticket

You can use FFXIV Summon Ticket to summon the followings.

Drop Rate

Gil Snapper (S) x2011.00000%
EXP Cube (S) x2011.00000%
Adamantite (S) x2011.00000%
Gil Snammper (M) x109.00000%
EXP Cube (M) x109.00000%
Adamantite (M) x109.00000%
Yshtola Shard x107.00000%
Gil Snapper (L) x57.00000%
EXP Cube (L) x57.00000%
Adamantite (L) x57.00000%
Yshtola Shard x155.00000%
Yshtola Shard x203.00000%
Thancred Shard x101.50000%
Thancred Shard x151.00000%
Thancred Shard x200.84000%

FFXI Shadowbringers Collaborative Shop

ItemGil・VisioreTrade Limit
Scions of Shadow Shardx251,250 Visiore1
Shadowbringers Shardx20600 Visiore1
Fragments of Thancredx404,000 Visiore3
Yshtola Unit Shardx40400,000 Gil3
Fragments of the Will of Firex101,000 Visiore5
Fragments of the Will of Lightx101,000 Visiore5
Awoken Soul of Light ★6x10200 Visiore2
Awoken Soul of Fire ★6x10200 Visiore2
Awoken Soul of Light ★5x1050 Visiore2
Awoken Soul of Fire ★5x1050 Visiore2
Light Alcryst (Red)x20400 Visiore1
Light Alcryst (Yellow)x20200 Visiore1
Light Alcryst (Purple)x20200,000 Gil1
Light Alcryst (Blue)x20100,000 Gil1
Light Alcryst (Green)x2050,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Red)x20400 Visiore1
Fire Alcryst (Yellow)x20200 Visiore1
Fire Alcryst (Purple)x20200,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Blue)x20100,000 Gil1
Fire Alcryst (Green)x2050,000 Gil1

MogShop (Tomestones of Goetia)

You can trade Tomestones of Goetia for the following items at the MogShop.

ItemMedalTrade Limit
FFXIV Summon Ticketx12003 Per Day
Yshtola Unit Shardx1100400
Fragments of Thancredx125080
Lion Heart Replica Crafting Recipex1150100
Memory of Sorceress (Red)x18005
Memory of Sorceress (Yellow)x14004
Memory of Gunbreaker (Red)x18005
Memory of Gunbreaker (Yellow)x14004
Fragments of the Will of Rainbowx15,0003
Fire Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Ice Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Wind Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Earth Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Earth Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Water Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Light Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Dark Fragment of Thoughtx125010 Per day
Fire Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Ice Awakening Prism x125010 Per day
Wind Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Earth Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Thunder Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Water Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Light Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Dark Awakening Prismx125010 Per day
Cloudy Hardened Sapx15010
Heart of Sorrowx1502
Secrets of the Forge (Sword)x150010
Adamantite largex105,00010 Per Day
Adamantite midx103,00010 Per Day
Adamantite smallx101,50010 Per Day
EXP Cube largex105,00010 Per Day
EXP Cube midx103,00010 Per Day
EXP Cube smallx101,50010 Per Day
Faint Memory (Red)x150010 Per Day
Faint Memory (Yellow)x110010 Per Day
Faint Memory (Purple)x15010 Per Day
Faint Memory (Blue)x12010 Per DAY


Hot New Top
Hello, do you know how to get master ability 1 of Thanced?
Event back up but Thancred is not in the event exchange shop
Just started playing on Thancred still available? If not, when will he be available again?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thancred and Yshtola event will definitely cycle back at some point.. but no idea when :( presumably around the same time they release new ffxiv collaboration characters. So they will be available in the future, but only during temporary events
will yshtola shrads return?
when the tomestones event ends I'm assuming any remaining medals are lost too correct?
Thanks for the quest! If I already have Thancred, is the shard or the gunbreaker orb a must but? Which would be the highest priority?
What will happen if I already have Thancred unit and I purchased him via summon medal? Is it much wiser to just get the shards?
<< Anonymous(Thancred)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, just get the shards. youre lucky one.
How many lion heart replica do i need to upgrade it to the max
<< Anonymous(polk)
Anonymous Reply
you need 63 lion heart replica
<< Anonymous(polk)
Polk Reply
Where do I trade the FFXIV Ticket to summon Thancred
I started 3 days back. So ain't too leveled to do the ex missions. Any other way to farm for more geotias? 70 per 25nrg seems a bit low. Any tips appreciated
<< Anonymous(Chem)
Anonymous Reply
Rank up til about 30 then go into EX stage and look for light unit level 60 thancred or above and he will carry you in the EX
i have already completed all events dung and rewards, but i want to know which one is better to run ? i mean which versions of the limited dungeon is better to run to farm most Tomestones of Goetia, the higher difficulty = more stamina... but which one is better to run to farm as much as possible
<< Anonymous(Daisy)
Anonymous Reply
Ex conquest gives 200-240 per 30 exp. Best net
I have lion heart replica, i have enhanced it into lv 2. Can it be upgraded into lion heart replica+1 ? can i revert back to lv.1 ?
<< Anonymous(Wins)
GameA1 Reply
You can use that to craft +1. Don't have to get it back to Lv.1.

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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