
Agrias Oaks

Agrias in wotvffbe. Jobs, stats, abilities, master ability, trust master rewrad, awakening, and limit break.
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update 14/10/2022

Job 1Holy Knight
Job 2Paladin
Job 3Cleric
Time LimitedYes
Release Date (JP)Apr 2020
Release Date (GL)Aug 2020


By Anon

WoL is a physical tank, while agrias is capable of both physical and magic tank due to having spr and def in ability board. But most people use her as a magic tank.

Trust Master Reward

Limit Burst

Candescent Hew

Deals Dmg (L) to targets within range & chance of inflicting Confusion.

Effect TypePhysical Physical
Attack TypeSlash Slash
ElementIce Ice
Max Effect (at Lv.20)Dmg: 200%, Confusion Inflict Chance: 67%

Range Height2
Area Height0

Master Ability

Master Ability 1

Unit Attack Res +15

Master Ability 2

Ice Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Ice Attack +15, own Unit Attack Res +20 / SPR +15

Max Stats

Lvl 99, All JobLv Max


Stats Bonus on EX Job Ability Board

ATK +5
AGI +2
DEX +5
Luck +11
SPR +4
Max Damage+2000
Max Level+21

Lvl 120, EX JobLv Max


Stats Bonus on Ability Board

ATK +45
MAG +8
AGI +8
DEX +16
Luck +35
DEF +6
SPR +6

EX Job Skills

Command Judgment Blade +

Remove Reraise from targets within range, then deals high accuracy Dmg (L) to targets within area & chance of inflicting Stop.

Command Northswain's Strike: Break

Remove Protect from targets & destroy a barrier that reduces Phys Dmg, then deals Dmg (M).

Support Knight's Honor II

Raises AGI/SPR/Chance of being target & lowers AP Consumption.

Holy Knight Main Skills

Command Northswain's Strike

Deals Dmg (S) to target & chance of inflicting Disable for 3 turns.

Command Princess's Royal Guard

Bestows Regen to allies within area around self for 3 turns.

Command Hallowed Bolt

Deals Dmg (S) to targets within range & chance of inflicting Silence for 3 turns.

Command Judgment Blade

Deals Dmg (L) to targets within area & chance of inflicting Stop.

Command Talisman

Significantly raises SPR of allies within area around self for 1 turn.

Holy Knight Sub Skills

Command Royal Guard's Protection

Bestows a barrier that reduces Magic Dmg to allies within area around self (3 times).

Command Full Break

Deals Dmg (S) to target & lowers ATK/MAG/DEF/SPR for 3 turns.

Command I Believe in You!

Raises ATK/MAG of male allies for 3 turns.

Support Knight's Honor

Raises AGI/SPR.

Support Chivalry

Raises ATK.

Reaction Defend

Chance of taking reduced Dmg.

Paladin Sub Skills

Command Blade Bash

Deals Dmg (M) to target & chance of inflicting Stun for 1 turn.

Command Saintly Healing

Recovers own HP (S).

Command Sentinel

Significantly raises own DEF/SPR for 1 turn & significantly lowers Evasion Rate for 1 turn.

Command Taunting Blade

Deals Dmg (L) to targets within range & increases chance of being targeted for 3 turns.

Command Divine Grace

Raises Max HP of allies within area around self for 3 turns & recovers the amount of HP raised.

Command Saintly Wall

Bestows a barrier on self that reduces Phys Dmg (3 times).

Support Holy Knight's Protection

Raises Max HP/DEF

Reaction Paladin's Guard

Chance of taking reduced Phys Attack Dmg.

Cleric Sub Skills

Command Cure

Recover target's HP (S).

Command Banish

Deals Light Dmg (S) to target based on caster's MAG stat.

Command Pronged Staff

Deals Dmg (S) to target & lowers AGI for 3 turns.

Command Light Veil

Raises Light Res of allies within range for 3 turns.

Command Dark Veil

Raises Dark Res of allies within range for 3 turns.

Command Calamity Guard

Nullifies Poison, Frostbite, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralysis, and Confusion for target for 3 turns.

Support SPR Up Lv. 1

Raises SPR.

Reaction Auto-Cure

Chance of recovering own HP (S) when taking Dmg.


SlashingPiercingBlunt (Striking)ShootingMagic


ParalyzeConfusePetrify (Stone)ToadCharm
Slow StopImmobilizeDisableBerserk


Awakening Materials
SoulIce Fragment of ThoughtIce Awakening PrismRainbow Fragment of ThoughtRainbow Vision Sphere
Ice Awakening Soul2★


Ice Awakening Soul3★


Ice Awakening Soul4★


Ice Awakening Soul5★


Ice Awakening Soul6★



Limit Break

Limit BreakRainbow Vision SphereShard

Events & Campaigns


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Is Agrias a man?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She def looks like a man, should be atleast crotchless. I’m calling tranny!
<< Anonymous
Agrias Reply
🔥, how dare you calling me a tranny
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As if a 🔥 has ever made anything worse!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
H2O Water Reply
No STATIS BLADE. Yeah, cause the skill is called STASIS BLADE (or Judgment Blade as the guy pointed out).
<< Anonymous(H2O Water)
Zuzu Reply
Actually it is stasis sword, sometimes mistranslated to "steady" sword
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It confuses me too, it suppose to be a unique skill to Agrias but Delita also uses it...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What makes you think it would be unique to Agrias? Judgment Blade is an ability usable by Holy Knight, Rune Knight, and Sword Saint. Delita is a Holy Knight in fft, Orlandeau and Dycedarg also can use the ability.
Hi so how does she compare with Engelbert? I already saw an earlier comparison with WoL
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you wanted a physical tank, Engel is the one to go to. If you wanted a magic tank, Rain would probably be the one to go to. If you wanted a tank with a little bit of both sides, then WoL or Agrias would be your go to; WoL being the better than Agrias in that aspect due to being able to have Spellblade as his sub-job in addition to his main job to be able to wield skills for both Phys and Mag,
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
while Agrias may only boast as a partial Mag tank if she had her main job as her sub-job as well, or a Phy tank if she had Paladin as her sub-job (losing the skills to boost mag def in the process).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She doesn't lose Talisman with sub job Paladin and at level 20 it gives 45 spirit
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Only one turn tho. Its not something you can depend on .
You lost one of her best skill, Royal Guards Protection as it valid for 3 magic attack, by choosing paladin as her sub job.

Its important to note that she isnt the best tank. She can buff, inflicting ailments, and taking hit more than average but overall they made her lacking a tank aspect. Its like you are comparing apple w/ banana.
How does Agrias compare to Warrior of Light?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes. So the 🔥ed page editor shouldn't really put her as a "magic tank" in the overview. She's no more than a status inflicter; not a tank in any way. It's 🔥ed how people keep classifying units as "potential tanks" when the units just have a little Def/Spr in their build.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Calm down, your stupid is showing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She can take more hit than average unit, but no better than a tank. Her main feature is the status ailments, no matter how you see it and thats why her tanking aspect is kinda lacking compared to tanks.

By the way, she does work well together with both Mediena and Gilgamesh
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually, she has a fair amount if SPR, plus taunting blade in her sub and an innate 20% resistance to mag damage. Probably why people call her a magic tank.
Hi, please join Turks, global guild lv3 statues, got just 5 people, need 20 to guild battle, just ative people, join us Guild ID 1761807939
<< Anonymous(JOIN US PLS...)
Anonymous Reply
Wrong place for this
<< Anonymous(JOIN US PLS...)
Anonymous Reply
Turks is a bad guild and is poorly run. Do not join it.
Even if she has no taunt skill , if vow of love is equiped they will most likely attack her only if close to the range.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's redundant; because it means you lose the "SPR Buff" skill that y'all pride her for for being a so called "Magic Tank". You seem to be forgetting that setting her sub-job to Paladin causes her to lose "Holy Guard Protection", being a 3* skill of her main job. Without that skill, she's just another regular physical tank (but a plus would be being a non-light attributed tank).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
One that has a lower def and hp than most of the other tanks though.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She doesn't really fit as a dedicated "Tank" but she has the ability to be one.
More like a off-tank or bruiser that can resist magic, inflict status, and do good damage.

put her on a team with other tanks or bruisers (especially ones with low mag resist) she will do good work for you
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She can use the Paladin's passive even without having it as a sub-job. Stop spreading misinformation and keep your stupidity to yourself.
hey guys how do you get her holy knight memory? kinda new into this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Missions and event mog shop
there is also some in the bingo challenge
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
dont forget in the mog shop, i missed gaff's memory in the previous event so im stuck with 99 not maxed job gaff haha
those who can't get her. farm for ur shard first.FFT event will sure come back again. Given Gumi
How to complete event quest for Agrias to get 40 shards from event missions?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You need complet her master hability quest
First pull!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same.. Yolo, 200 vis pull
<< Anonymous
Ganz Reply
pulled TWO agrias, mustadio and lucia in all in one pull. 2nd 10x.
✧ Kupo_
I really do hope I manage to pull her... I'll have Engle, Ramza and Agrias as the Tanky Bruiser Trio! <3<3 MY DREAM TEAM.
what type is sword would be ideal for her?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Icebrand is op if u have built
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Assault icebrand m using and its great
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you don't want to go thru the process of crafting an Icebrand+5 - there is the Lesalia Guards Sword from 2nd run of the tower

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
> Go to the latest comments


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