
Raid Boss: White Marshmallow

Raid boss white marshmallow quest in wotvffbe. How to beat white marshmallow.
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Upcoming Unit/Vision Card Release Schedule
update 24/07/2020
White Day Events
White Day Raid Boss: White Marshmallow
First Release Date (JP, JST)2020 March 9
First Release Date (GL, PST)2020 July 22

Featured Equipment

Platinum Robe Alexandrite Ring

Tips & Guides

For an eary stage like White Marshmallow Lv. 1 ~ 50, since the boss is very week, it's recommended to play the quest alone in quartet mode. Then you can save time to call other players to your room. The quartet mode gives you more reward than that from the solo mode.

For high level raids, keeping attack & element chain is very important. Note that basically only abilities have elements.

If you use Stern or other units that with Ninja job, note that Shuriken doesn't have element. Yamiton is dark elemental attack, but it's not slashing attack.

Enemy & Map Info

Whiteday Raid Boss 1

White Marshmallow is very weak to Dark Slashing ATK or Dark Striking ATK.

WhitedayRaid Boss 2

Mob enemies are also weak to Slashing and Striking ATK.

10M Raids Campaign

White Day Raid Boss: White Marshmallow

Depending on the number of White Marshmallow defeated by all users, you can get lapis.

Defeat White Marshmallow * TimesRewards
100,000Lapis x100
1,000,000Lapis x200
3,000,000Lapis x500
5,000,000Laipis x1,000
10,000,000Lapis x2,000

Encounter Reward (Event Medal)

Boss Lv.Game Mode
1 ~ 19506030
31 ~ 60607030
61 ~ 90708090
91 ~ 1208090100
121 ~ 15090100115

Help Reward (Event Medal)

Boss Lv.Game Mode
1 ~ 50303030
51 ~ 100404040
101 ~ 150505050

Defeat Reward


Boss Lv.Game Mode


The numbers of obtained items aren't different by solo, pair, quartet.

Boss Lv.Items
1~10White Aethersandx1 Black Aethersandx2
11~20White Aethersandx1 Black Aethersandx3
21~30White Aethersandx2 Black Aethersandx3
31~40White Aethersandx2 Black Aethersandx4
41~50White Aethersandx2 Black Aethersandx5 Bone Chipx1
51~60White Aethersandx3 Black Aethersandx5 Bone Chipx1
61~70White Aethersandx3 Bone Chipx1 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
71~80White Aethersandx4 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
81~90White Aethersandx6 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
91~100White Aethersandx7 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
101~110White Aethersandx8 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
111~120White Aethersandx10 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx1
121~130White Aethersandx12 Bone Chipx2 Non-Elemental Megacrystx2
131~140White Aethersandx15 Bone Chipx3 Non-Elemental Megacrystx2
141~150White Aethersandx20 Bone Chipx4 Non-Elemental Megacrystx3

Rank Rewards

LapisMedalDwarf Hammer of DEF
100001 -200500-

White Day Raid Medal Shop

White Day Raid Boss: White Marshmallow


Duration (JST, JP Server): March 9th 15:00 ~ March 25th 14:59


ItemMedalTrade Limit
Fragments of Cost for Being Ostentatiousx1200099
Recipe for Platinum Robex1200099
Phantom Sphere of Starbowx150003
Fragments of the Will of Rainbowx150002
Fragments of the Will of Firex125040
Fragments of the Will of Icex125040
Fragments of the Will of Windx125040
Fragments of the Will of Eathx125040
Fragments of the Will of Thunderx125040
Fragments of the Will of Waterx125040
Fragments of the Will of Lightx125040
Fragments of the Will of Darkx125040
Awoken Prism of Firex125040
Awoken Prism of Ice x125040
Awoken Prism of Windx125040
Awoken Prism of Earthx125040
Awoken Prism of Thunderx125040
Awoken Prism of Waterx125040
Awoken Prism of Lightx125040
Awoken Prism of Darkx125040
Black Aethersandx1100999
Heart of Pleasurex1100999
White Aethersandx1200999
Heart of  Rapturex1200999
Bone Chipx1300999
Non-Elemental Megacrystx1500999
Secrets of the Forge (Accessory)x1500999
Secrets of the Forge (Armor)x1500999
Burst Potx15050
EXP Cube extremex12005 times a day
EXP Cube largex15010 times a day
EXP Cube midx13010 times a day
EXP Cube smallx11510 times a day
Adamantite largex15010 times a day
Adamantite midx13010 times a day
Adamantite smallx11510 times a day
NRG Restore Mx11005 times a day

Raid Support Pickup Summon

White Day Raid Boss: White Marshmallow

Shadowlynx and Whisper are featured in this summon.

Each time you don't pull a UR unit or a UR vision card, 20 summon bonus points are given. When it reaches 100, your next summon consumes the points and guarantees 1 UR unit or 1 Vision card at least.

For Single Summon

Pick Up UnitPick Up Rate

For Guaranteed SSR or Above Slot of Multi summon

Pick Up UnitPick Up Rate

Pickup Unit Shop

White Day Raid Boss: White Marshmallow


Duration (JP Server, JST): Marc 9th 15:00 ~ March 17th 9:59


ItemGil・LapisTrade Limit
Fragments of Whisperx402,000 Lapis1
Fragments of Shadowlinksx20600 Lapis1
Dark Awakening Pack II (Dark Fragmentsx100・Dark Prismx100・Rainbow Fragmentsx1・Starbow Spherex1)x13,000 Premium Lapis1
Dark Soul ★2~4 Pack (Dark Awoken Soul★4x50・★3x50・★2x50)x1500,000 Gil1
Fragments of the Will of Darkx101,000 Lapis5
Memory of Knight・Azurex15,000 Gil1
Memory of Ninja・Azurex15,000 Gil1
Memory of Knight・Jadex12,500 Gil1
Memory of Ninja・Jadex12,500 Gil1
Awoken Soul of Dark ★6x10200 Lapis5
Awoken Soul of Dark ★5x1050 Lapis5
Pyroxene of Dark・Scarletx20400 Lapis1
Pyroxene of Dark・Citronx20100 Lapis1
Pyroxene of Dark・Violetx20200,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Dark・Azurex20100,000 Gil1
Pyroxene of Dark・Jadex2050,000 Gil1

Related Event・Campaigns


Spent 240$ on Vinera just to fight with marshmallow lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And I spent $300 investing in stock market and gained 23 bucks out of it in a month.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So not only did you lose $277, but you also didn’t get Vinera. Massive winner here folks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Man with that money i could have purchased 5 games or more and have food on my table for a while, crazy how people spend a lot in a mobile game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's nice having a disposable income ;)
Is the boss aquatic like the chocolate flan?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Wait what Reply
no the boss is light unit, weak to slash
<< Anonymous(Wait what)
Anonymous Reply
It is aquatic type. The race of the monster is different from it's element. Stop spreading misinformation ffs
Anti-gun meta here we come. Going to eat those weak gunners for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with this armor.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hah, you activated my trap card (reflex)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This armor is really good against Lu’Cia and Frederika so you’re not far from the truth haha. In JP videos if a gunner hits a character with this armor it literally does 1 damage haha
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I can see this working with a unit such as Thancred, the unit would just need to equip Platinum Robe, Snow-White guard vision card, and Odin to bring gunners damage close to 1. The game started off with no armour against gunner but with this it’ll be a game changer. The players finally have ways to end the crazy gun meta we have been stuck with for the entire month of July! Problem is the grind...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
well, it’s the same thing w the dodge meta m8... we all had to grind for the alexandrite ring to earn enough accuracy to counter those sage hats... the painful grind will pay off eventually sigh*

Commens and feedback



Comments (updated every hour)

Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
This guy is MY husbando. BACK OFF.
> Go to the latest comments


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