
Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light unit in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Stats, jobs, abilities, trust master reward, master ability, awakening, and limit break.
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update 17/06/2021
Warrior of Light
English Warrior of Light
Job 1Warrior of Light
Job 2Spellblade
Job 3Dragoon
Time LimitedYes
Release Date (JP)Mar 2020
Release Date (GL)July 2020


Warrior of Light is a limited time unit available during FF1 collaboration event. He's a Light element tank that's good against both physical and magic attacks, making him a pretty good choice to bring if you ever need a tank to just about any content.

In comparison to other tanks like Mont (King of Leonis), or Rain, WoL lacks area attacks and debuffing offensive abilities because he focuses on self buff and tankyness, but there are plenty of contents that have a mix of physical and magic damage dealers, which can give WoL the advantage over other tanks.

WoL gets a pretty decent boost going into EX. More than 1k+ HP at lvl 120, and Invincible Shield's upgrade at job lvl 19 is a huge change, going from reducing physical damage only to physical and magical. This can potentially make his Spellblade sub job less necessary, so he can use WoL sub job to have Deterrent Sword against bosses.

Trust Master Reward

Limit Burst

Crystal Braver

Deals 3-Hit Dmg (Mt) to targets within range & bestows Protect/Shell on self for 3 turns.

Effect TypePhysical Physical
Attack TypeSlash Slash
ElementLight Light
Max Effect (at Lv.20)Dmg: 165%, Protect/ Shell Chance: 100%, Phys/Magic Dmg: -25%

Range Height1
Area Height1

Master Ability

Master Ability 1

ATK +20% / DEF +5

Master Ability 2

Light Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Light Attack +15, own DEF +15 / Magic Attack Res +20 / Hate +5 / recovers a set percentage of HP (M) when taking Dmg while HP is 50% or lower (1 time).


Stats Bonus on Ability Board



Stats Bonus on EX Job Ability Board

ATK +5
AGI +4
Luck +11
DEF +4
Max Damage+2000
Max Level+21

EX Job Skills

CommandInvincible Shield IIBestows a barrier on ally that reduces Phys・Mag Dmg (3 times).
CommandBreath of Life IIRecovers a set percentage of own HP (L).
CommandShining SwordDeals Dmg (M) to targets within range & bestows Regen to self for 3 turns.

Warrior of Light Main Skills

CommandBrave PresenceIncreases own chance of being targeted & raises own DEF/SPR for 3 turns (stackable up to 3 times).
CommandShift AttackDeals Dmg (S) to target after movement to target panel.
CommandHoly BraveryDeals Dmg (L) to target.
CommandBreath of LifeRecovers a set percentage of own HP (L).
CommandInvincible ShieldBestows a barrier on ally that reduces Phys Dmg (3 times).

Warriof of Light Sub Skills

CommandDeterrent SwordDeals Dmg (M) to target & lowers ATK/MAG for 3 turns.
CommandStop StrikeDeals Dmg (M) to target & chance of inflicting Stop.
SupportThe First WarriorRaises Max HP/DEF.
SupportQuelling ChaosRaises DEF Debuff Res/SPR Debuff Res.
ReactionWarriors PrideChance of raising DEF for 3 turns when taking Phys Attack Dmg.

Spellblade Sub Skills

CommandBio BladeDeals Dmg (M) to target based on caster's MAG stat & chance of inflicting Poison for 3 turns.
CommandResist MagicRaises Magic Attack Res of allies within area around self for 3 turns.
CommandBanish BladeDeals Light Dmg (S) to target based on carter's MAG stat & bestows Dark Eater.
CommandMagic BarrierBestows a barrier on self that reduces Magic Dmg (3 times).
CommandTaunting SpellDeals Dmg (S) to targets within range based on caster's MAG stat & increases chance of being targeted for 3 turns.
SupportProvidence of FireRaises Magic Attack Res/Fire Res.
ReactionMagic GuardChance of damage reduction when taking Magic Attack Dmg.

Dragoon Sub Skills

CommandJumpDeals Dmg (M) to target after Jump delay.
CommandDragons RoarChance of lowering Bravery of targets within range.
CommandDragons StandardRaises own Jump/Move by 1 for 3 turns.
CommandDragon DiveDeals Dmg (M) to targets within range after Jump delay.
CommandDragons KinRaises own ATK for 3 turns.
SupportJump +1Jump +1
SupportHP Up Lv. 1Raises Max HP.
ReactionDragons BladeChance of Counterattack when taking Dmg & absorbs Dmg dealt.
ConfusePetrify (Stone)ToadCharmSlow

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what's the best sub job for Wol guys?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As a tank, he can go two ways:
- Sub WoL, which gives more offensive options, including Stop Strike;
- Sub Spellblade would allow him to draw and permanently maintain hate.

Without the Skill Off switch, however, subbing Spellblade will be cripplingly impossible to get him to the front lines, so until then, using sub WoL would be advisable for general use.
Should i push thru? F2P here any advices?
[This image is being checked...]
<< Anonymous(Unknown)
Anonymous Reply
Your image maybe will never appear like other comment with image uploaded, so I just wanna to say LB4 is good enough especially for f2p.
<< Anonymous
Unknown Reply
I guess yeah i can cash out since there is a pandemic i guess lvl 80 is good enough
i have mediena, xiza, ayaka, n miranda... now i got wol n rain... who should i built? rain or wol? thanks anyway
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you can get WOL to at least LB4 then go ahead and build it, but if cant better go for Rain.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you perhaps the same person that asking again and again? You really felt like a waste of opportunity after got your hand with WoL then pass it right? Go build him, son.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Build all of them! Spend the cash monies.
Got him now from a 200 visiore pull wtf i was like O_o"
<< Anonymous
Unknown Reply
Rng loves to troll
is it worth for WOL not max? LB 3 or 4 so the level only 79 or 89?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wol is a tank unit. As a tanker, every additional Hp is important. Whether is it hard content or pvp, his main role is to take damage. If you cannot max LB, he will be down in no time.
Take a look at this website and you can find what are the big differences in terms of stats.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
LB4 is a good stopping point, useable and recommended.
i got him in 1 pull but i didnt train him cause i only want the esper
Dope got WOL from my 2nd pull
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same here
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
got him on my first pull + englebert
<< Anonymous
why y'all so damn lucky??
Hes a tank.. weird seing ppl comparing his dmg, speed etc... i just need him to tank long enough so my beastman landu can clear up the map.
<< Anonymous(Hi-ScoreDad)
Anonymous Reply
When there are bruiser characters that are fast, tanky, and do damage
A tank may not be able to offer much beyond soaking damage or keep up with the turns to return fire effectively.

Sometimes not enough "oomp" to make them worth the slot. If the tank drops faster than the enemy units then its just a waste

Thankfully, WoL has pretty good attacking stats for a tank and he isn't as slow as Engel
Darn i got wol when in one of my attempts during reroll darn never expected him to be very melee i am now confused who will i keep the account with rain or wol.
<< Anonymous(Unknown)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Unknown)
Anonymous Reply
Wol, because Rain isn't limited. You can get it again soon or later
<< Anonymous(Unknown)
Anonymous Reply
go for wol if you dont have crimson saber
Hi Iam An F2p I currently deciding which banner should I pull I currently have 11k free visiore. is Wol is easy to MLB even F2P or not if not I Might Pull Agrias Instead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dont think wol is in the free summon banner.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
20k got him twice will have him lb4 tomorrow with hard quest
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(HELP ME)
Anonymous Reply
got wol + 3 warmech in a single pull. best pull ever
I got WoL, which is sweet, but now I'm super paranoid that the event is going to end and I'm not going to have all of his unit shards (happened to me with Ramza and Orlandeau). Any tips on getting all of the shards while I can (without spending real money, ha ha)?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Trade your life to whimsy shop
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I definitely recommend purchasing Visiore Pack A or the Daily NRG Pack for the daily visiore purchases. This nets a solid 40 shards and the visiore goes towards purchasing more shards from the shop.

Also make sure you run the hard quest daily.

Interestingly enough there is a Limited Chocobo Expedition that says it can reward shards but I haven't gotten any from it yet.
Given he us a tank, I assume low faith is the way to go? Noob here, sorry if that should be obvious -_-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, lower faith to reduce magic damage taken
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you! I appreciate your input!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Spellblade sub already has pitiful damage due to low MAG. High faith wont really help that. Out of the two better sub jobs - the only attack that benefits from faith is Stop Strike, which it isn't worth taking more damage from all magic for a slightly higher stun chance on one skill only in Warrior of Light subjob

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Comments (updated every hour)

Lucio 22
How do you obtain a kindlelight broadstome for lucio?? I finally am able to but don't have one.
Why are his materials Ice, and not Lightning?
Rosa 43
They should have not given her Black Mage anywhere. It should have been Archer/Ranger/Hunter/Snip...
They need to add much more units. They don’t have the ones up to now.
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