

Lu'cia in War of the Visions: Fainal Fantasy Brave Exvius, Rating, Tier, Stats, Ability, Strategy.
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update 11/07/2022
English Lucia
Japanese冷酷なる凶弾 ル・シア
Job 1Dual Gunner
Job 2Hunter
Job 3Monk
Time LimitedNo
Release Date (JP)Feb 2020
Release Date (GL)June 2020

Limit Burst

Sadistic Dance

Deals 2-Hit Dmg (L) to target & chance of inflicting status ailments (Immobilize/Disable) for 3 turns.

Effect TypePhysical Physical
Attack TypeMissile Missile
ElementWind Wind
Max Effect (at Lv.20)Dmg: 213%, Disable Chance: 30% (doesn't change by level), Immobilize Chance: 30% (doesn't change by level)

Range Height2
Area Height0

Sadistic Dance (Upgraded in Master Ability 2)

Raises Immobilize/Disable Activation Rate. Raises own Missile Attack Res Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals 2-Hit Dmg (L) & & chance of inflicting status ailments (Immobilize/Disable) for 3 turns.

Effect TypePhysical Physical
Attack TypeMissile Missile
ElementWind Wind
Max Effect (at Lv.20)Dmg: 213%, Disable Chance: 30% (doesn't change by level), Immobilize Chance: 55% (doesn't change by level)

Range Height2
Area Height0

Trust Master Reward

Master Ability

Master Ability 1

ATK +10% / Earth Killer +15%

Master Ability 2

Wind Unit Allies' Max HP +10% / Wind Attack +15, own ATK +20% / Area Attack Res +10 / Enhances Sadistic Dance

Max Stats

Lvl 99, All JobLv Max


Stats Bonus on Ability Board

Critical Rate+35

Lvl 120, EX JobLv Max


Stats Bonus on EX Job Ability Board

ATK +5
AGI +2
DEX +11
Luck +18
Max Damage+2000
Max Level+21

EX Job Abilities

Command Spiteful Blast

Deals Dmg (M) & chance of inflicting Slow for 3 turns & bestows Piercing.

Command Sharpshooting Stance

Signifiantly raises Missile ATK of allies within range around self for 3 turns & raises own DEF Piercing Rate & range+1 for 3 turns.

Support Custom Tune-Up

Range+1 & Raises AGI/DEF Piercing Rate/Acquired AP.

Dual Gunner Main Commands

Command Split Shot

Deals Dmg (M) to targets within range.

Command Rapid Fire (Dual Gunner)

Deals Dmg (S) to target.

Command Quadruple Shots

Deals 4-Hit Dmg (S) to target.

Command Firing Stance

Signifiantly raises Missile ATK of allies within range around self for 3 turns & raises own DEF Piercing Rate for 3 turns.

Command Dual Trigger

Deals 2-Hit Dmg (L) to target.

Dual Gunner Sub Skills

Command Smokescreen

Raises own Evasion/DEF for 3 turns.

Command Stun Shot

Chance of inflicting Stun on targets within range for 1 turns.

Command Horizontal Shot

Deals Dmg (M) to targets within range.

Support Missile Mastery

Increases shooting ATK

Support Tune-Up

Raises AGI/DEF Piercing Rate.

Reaction Predictive Fire

Chance of Preemptive Strike when taking Phys Attack Dmg.

Ranger Sub Skills

Command Poison Arrow

Deals Dmg (S) to target & chance of inflicting Poison for 3 turns.

Command Charge

Deals Dmg (S) to target.

Command Vigilance

Significantly raises own Evasion Rate for 1 turn & lowers own All Elemental Res and All Attack Res.

Command Sharpshoot

Deals Dmg (M) to target & Guaranteed Hit.

Command Super Charge

Deals Dmg (M) to target.

Command Mega Charge

Deals Dmg (L) to target.

Support Ranger Lore

Range +1 & raises Accuracy Rate.

Support Focus

Significantly reduces Activation Time & raises Missile ATK.

Reaction Reflex

Chance of evading all attacks.

Monk Sub Skills

Command Store

Significantly raises ATK for 1 turn.

Command Pummel

Deals 2-Hit Dmg (S) to target.

Command Terra Slash

Deals Dmg (M) to targets within range (does not affect targets with Float status).

Command Surge Strike

Deals Dmg (S) to target.

Command Revive

Chance of recovering target from KO status and recovering HP (Min).

Support Strike Mastery

Raises Strike ATK.

Support HP Up Lv. 1

Raises Max HP.

Reaction Fist Counter

Chance of Counterattack when taking Phys Attack Dmg.


SlashingPiercingBlunt (Striking)ShootingMagic


ParalyzeConfusePetrify (Stone)ToadCharm
Slow StopImmobilizeDisableBerserk


Awakening Materials
SoulWind Fragment of ThoughtWind Awakening PrismRainbow Fragment of ThoughtRainbow Vision Sphere
Awoken Soul of Wind 2★


Awoken Soul of Wind 3★


Awoken Soul of Wind 4★


Awoken Soul of Wind 5★


Awoken Soul of Wind 6★



Limit Break

Limit BreakRainbow Vision SphereShard



Hot New Top
Lucian from League of Legends gets turned into female anime girl... I can get behind this, and under Limit Burst the word Inflict is spelled incorrectly.
<< Anonymous
Tap Reply
Yeah, I agree. I believe her name is pronounced Lu-cia.
<< Anonymous(Tap)
Anonymous Reply
Lu'Cia if that even matter
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, Lucia is an Italian name and her country Rundall seems to have a European theme. It is pronounced as Lu-cheeya in Italian and the English pronounciation goes by that too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She's into S&M, so obviously Italian.
I just used 42k of visore on Lucia -.-. Before get her i got 3 engelbert, 1 whisper, 1 robb, 1 ifrit, 1 tetra sylphid, 2 siren. That game wanted me broken. How can this be possible? I think the odds are bugged.
<< Anonymous(Pedro)
Okami Reply
I got her in 3 pulls
<< Anonymous(Pedro)
Anonymous Reply
lol i spent 94k for Orlandeau so many rainbow pulled before him while a friend of mine got 2 on his first pull rng is 🔥
<< Anonymous(Pedro)
Anonymous Reply
I managed to get her for 1000 with the new thing, multi steps one where the last one was a ur. I got got her in the first one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But to be fair I wasn't aiming for her. When fennes 'daughter' comes out, I'd probably waste all my vision to get her on the last go
What makes lucia great ? i want some data and good opinion please
<< Anonymous(Gary)
Cealx Reply
Shes got the element on Mont which will always be part of the meta since he is a strong free unit, so new players are likely to go for him.
She pierces defense so in a way she is anti tanks which is hard to get commodity.
Shes got quad shot which is amazing for chains and there is a lot hard content that is element and attack type weak incoming in the next few weeks.
<< Anonymous(Cealx)
Gary Reply
oke i get it, boots and thighs
<< Anonymous(Gary)
ORCA Reply
thigh high boots and thighs to be precise. did I mention thighs?
<< Anonymous(ORCA)
Gary Reply
My English is so bad lol
When she cone to global? I skip orlando for her
<< Anonymous(Vic)
Jaime Reply
There's 2 banners in between hers and the Tactics banner. She originally came out 36 days after the Tactics banner in JP, but we've been getting banners much faster than anticipated so I'm not sure when she'll come out. I would guess she comes out in about 3 weeks.
<< Anonymous(Vic)
Anonymous Reply
after FFT, kitone -> miranda -> lucia
late May or early June
<< Anonymous(Vic)
Anonymous Reply
GL approximately 4 months behind JP, so I'd say early June
<< Anonymous(Vic)
Anonymous Reply
I think Miranda will come next before her
i spent 42k and got her on the last pull. what a tease...
<< Anonymous(LastPullSavior)
Anonymous Reply
i got her on the first step up pull lol
<< Anonymous(LastPullSavior)
Anonymous Reply
at least you got her. 30k vis and still nothing over here....
<< Anonymous(LastPullSavior)
Kaine Reply
omg same 42k down the drain! Got her off a brown book gold to rainbow change! S
<< Anonymous(LastPullSavior)
Anonymous Reply
I never got her...cause I never pulled her.
got lucia,mediena,ayaka and fede with the chain summon so happy
sorry world
<< Anonymous(HAPPYMAN)
Anonymous Reply
Gratz. I didn't use chain summon cause the odds to get lucia were lower... Well, tried 20 times to get her =//
<< Anonymous(HAPPYMAN)
Anonymous Reply
O_o whaaaaaaaa

Dropped close to 20k vis and got 2 Miranda's, Macherie, and 4 Tetra Sylphid's. No LuCia for me. Gonna have to hope the gun-toting waifu graces me with her presence soon in an off banner =(
<< Anonymous(HAPPYMAN)
TheDread Reply
I got Frederika and Lucia twice in the chain summon. I thought they were being generous with the pulls in this banner, given my terrible luck with orlandeau.
Hopefully I Get Luci
saving my visiore so much for her, hopefully i can get her at LB3 before the event end

if not, at least gimme adelard :(
<< Anonymous(Hopefully I Get Luci)
CometLover Reply
Yeah.. i've saved my visiore until 45k for her since i began play f2p this game (30 days)..
hope we can get her tommorow
<< Anonymous(CometLover)
Finger crossed Reply
Yeah, I only saves up to 10k for her, It's ok for not instant lb, just gimme the unit T.T
<< Anonymous(CometLover)
Anonymous Reply
so did you get here or no?
If I miss her in this event, anytime coming around soon?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I spend 10K and stop for now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She isn't time limited so she will be available going forward. The event increases the chance of summoning her and offers more ways to get her shards.
Checking as I don’t see it anywhere, but she isn’t limited is she?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i think sheismale
<< Anonymous
drukan Reply
She's not limited
So I just got Lu'Cia, which ability should I maxed first?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think tune up and reflex. Then it's your choice whether you want to have ranger or double gunner as the second job.

I first went as ranger, but I kinda don't like charging skills, though it hits hard. So I go full double gunner jobs.
Avoid super charge only?
or Avoid both charge and super charge?
<< Anonymous
Graveinvite Reply
My Fred has charge unlocked just to get to some extra stats and it has not ever been a problem. Lucia needs it to unlock Firing Stance, so definitely get Charge, but just 1 point. Super Charge is not worth it, ever.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Won't use charge over sharpshoot and other skills cuz of the high AP cost for low dmg.
Cons for this unit , her agi is lower than Federika
<< Anonymous
Tap Reply
That's actually a good thing since Frederica can support her with her missile/crit up abilities.
<< Anonymous(Tap)
Anonymous Reply
That's a good point

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Comments (updated every hour)

Please make event tomb raider because i dont get my unit lara croft , please
208840312937 20 slots still available 06/18/2024
I want him to IMPREGNATE ME and choke me with his big muscles while he does so
Amnelis 11
Her design could not be more cringe
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